Nov 05, 2008 08:48
i can sleep easy now. there is someone to lead the country that gives me hope. hope that things will improve. hope that the country will move in a better direction. hope for fairness. hope for justice.
i stayed up way too late last night listening to his speech. it brought tears to my eyes. when the shrub stole the election, he had this damn smirk on his face that i just wanted to slap off. that smirk remained well into his second term when the shit really started to hit the fan. good riddance W and don't let the door hit you on the way out! watching President-Elect Obama give his speech, i saw a man who knew he had a big job ahead, one that won't be easy. i saw a man who has respect for this country. i saw a man who has respect for the office of President of the United States of America. that gives me a lot of hope for his administration and the future of this country.
i told my mom that if hillary had won the nomination, i don't know if i would have voted for her. i was never thrilled with her work as senator in NY. if she had won the nomination, and if i decided to vote for her, it would not have been for her platform, but because i wanted to see a woman president. then, being in kansas-i could have easily voted for nader.
i told phyllis this morning "yes we can!" and she responded "yes we DID". i said true, but there is still a lot of stuff we need to work on- we still need to say "yes we can!"
i was checking out the the reports of world reactions and i'm wondering if Kenya isn't our 51st state as happy as they are ;-)