Apr 11, 2008 11:34
work has been work-that is after everyone recovered from winning the championship game. weather has been spring like- though we are supposed to have snow flurries tomorrow-cloudy, cold, rainy/flurries-i guess i'll get housework done.
i have a doctor's appt this afternoon. i have something weird on my eye. it looks like mucus that got stuck. at first it was just irritating me but then earlier this week it started to water a lot. of course, since i've got an appt. it doesn't water....but i figured i'd have him also check out my lower back/sciatica. maybe i can get some physical therapy (read massage) done.
forgot mom's b-day. that isn't entirely true-i remembered last week but ran out of time to get her a card. i hope to do that while i'm out at lunch/doctor's.
we missed BSG last week-thankfully with the new digital box we were able to watch it later in the week.
not much really.
battlestar galactica,