granting wishes *12* magical elven love letters

Apr 03, 2006 11:12

 When we finally received the copy of Not in Kansas Anymore... 
dear kin, 
... that the author, Christine Wicker, sent us, Zardoa responded ecstatically. He carried the book with him everywhere and showed it to all our friends and acquaintances and any stranger that happened to engage him in conversation about his attire (which happens frequently) or anything else for that matter. As an individual would read the pages which talked about us, Zardoa would jump up and down and dance around gleefully, rather like a small child, which if you know Zardoa, is not a far stretch for his character. He takes a particular delight in seeing our work in print and loves to read about us and makes no effort to pretend to be modest or disinterested. His enthusiasm beams clear and evident for all to see. 
  Silver Flame on the other hand couldn’t, really and truly, care less. She thinks it’s nice and all, particularly for Zardoa who delights in those things, for she is ever happy in his happiness, but for hers’elf, it means little. She stands truly beyond such concerns, having more important things, like nurturing those she loves to focus upon. Yet, in so much as it brings pleasure to the rest of us, she is well pleased. 
  We were sitting in our favorite Nepali restaurant one day, when an acquaintance of ours came in. He’s a chiropractor named Wink that we met through Lalalea and Ardaneyl; and while we have surely mentioned that we are elves to him, like many that we tell, he didn’t quite absorb the reality of what we were saying. He greeted us this day, and, as it happened, sat near us, and so Zardoa excitedly passed him the book, paged marked to the place that has the first reference to us. After reading it, he says to us, “I’ve always thought of elves as an advanced race, sort of humanity’s future. What we will all be like in a sense some day.” 
  Zardoa laughed at this and replied, “That’s funny. That’s how we see ours’elves”. 
  But we could tell by his expression that he still did not process the fact that We Are Elves. Not just in the past, not in some visionary future to be, but right now, right here. It is true that, hopefully, we will evolve into more and more powerful and effective magical beings through time, and our progress in this lifetime toward that goal has surely given us hope that this might be the case. But, even though we are but wee, small folk with subtle but none the less real magical powers, we are still, real elves in the here and now. And while these particular elves are not fantastically beautiful (except for Solon, Elantari, Lalalea, Ardaneyl, Valarynsa and Silver Flame, etc., etc.), nor are we greatly powerful, nor have pointed ears, nor eyesight like a hawk ... we are still elves, wee, small and perhaps insignificant (if elves can ever be insignificant, which we can’t) perhaps, but real elves, which to our minds, beats the hell out of being merely fictional elves, or merely fantasizing we are elves. We may not be great elves, but elves we are and is that not, even in its simplicity, something most wondrous? 
  It is true that there are few, at present, who will be able to realize this fact. Indeed, except for the Otherkin, there lives almost no one who can perceive our elfinness. For most, elves do not, did not, cannot exist, therefore we cannot be elves. For others, much fewer, who allow for the possibility of elves and faeries existing in the world, their definition of what constitutes an elf is so rigid and, quite often fanciful, that again, we do not fit the bill. Fortunately, we elves have always reserved the right to define who we are and by our own definition, we are elves. We care little about what others, who aren’t elves, don’t even believe in elves, or put unrealistic (considering our current level of development) expectations of what we must do to be elves, think on the subject. After all, they’re not elves, so what in Faerie do they know? 
  So what does it take to be an elf? Well, first and foremost, you must wish to be an elf. Elves have always had the power to grant wishes, and in the very beginning of time, the first wish we granted was our own wish to be elves. So we are. Thus if you wish to be an elf ... exactly, grant your own wish., be an elf. Next, because elves are an evolutionary people, it helps if you do everything you can to improve yours’elf and your powers in every way you can: mentally, emotionally, physically,and spiritually. And finally, it helps, it really, really does, if you can be as kind and loving and respectful of others as you can possibly be, each and every day in as many situations as possible. (There is a power in courtesy that few but the Adept Elfin realize.) And it helps if you do your best to delight in everything you do, to dance and sing and smile your way through life and, in as much as possible, every situation. If you do those things, then you can truly consider yours’elf an elf, a real elf, alive and radiating magic upon the Earth. What could be more delightful than that? 
the silver elves = 

silver elves, elven love letters

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