clausmys 3 *12* magical elven love letters

Mar 16, 2006 08:15

With Jasova and Tamys gone...
dear kin,
... and Loriel and Cathyryn Sola and Stukolyr, as well, it seemed that we were all alone in the city with no one that we knew about, but this proved not to quite be the case. Each day we’d explore the Haight Ashbury district and the streets within it. Every day we’d encounter the Rainbow brothers and sisters, most often unseelie folk, sitting on the sidewalk of Haight St. with hands out stretched or a cup set out for donations. Now usually, we don’t donate to the rainbow brothers, not that we don’t approve of them, but we know them too well to do so. We saw a gnome one time, who was always standing with his “help” sign outside a local food store, buy a cola, pour it out and fill it with beer, so he could drink while he “worked”, knowing that the majority of folk would be loath to contribute to his habit.
These elves, on the other hand, are clear about the nature of the rainbow brothers and are not offended by their proclivities, but we’re seldom in a position or disposition to contribute to them. We prefer buskers who at least make some attempt to entertain you for the money. However, despite this fact, every once and a while, when it is within our power, we give a little to the unseelie who work the donation circuit, knowing that, at times, they are joined by our very own. So on this day, having saved up our change, we began to distribute it among the wee folk as we passed among them.
Zardoa wore his long black coat that day, the one that reaches to his ankles and is trimmed on the cuffs and bottom with velvet. Its velvet hood covered his head and right at its center above his forehead glimmered a pewter brooch with a large blue jewel. In his right hand he carried a cane and Silver Flame walked alongside him, her hand holding the crook of his left arm. As they strolled the street the unseelie and various otherkin would call out, “Sir Wizard,” by way of greeting, and he would touch the cane to his head in recognition. One wizened old wyzard, sitting at the corner of a building reached out and grabbed his hand for a moment and held it. They called each other “brother”.
In each cup or on each blanket, we left some change. After having passed one group of three or four kin, one of them called out, “See you in Sebastopol” and we turned about in wonder and nodded to him. As we said, we thought that there was no longer anyone there that we knew or who knew us and this sudden recognition caught us by surprise. Yet it should not have, for Elfin is vast, beloved, and our kindred come and go like the wind.
This was not the only surprise for us however. We entered a bookstore on the north side of Haight, and, as is our habit, we checked out the new age/occult section and found on the selves a copy of Christine Wicker’s Not In Kansas Anymore, and upon page 67, as well as about 5 other pages we found references to these elves. Now, we knew that book existed and that we might be in it, since Christine had interviewed us the year previous. But we had, as yet, not received our copy so finding it here on the bookshelves in Haight was a special treat for us. Zardoa wanted to wave it about in the air and yell out, “Hey, look, it’s us”, but he restrained hims’elf, which is not always the case.
Now a curious thing happened. Because of Jasova and Tamys’s generosity in supplying for our needs as a consideration of taking care of their friends, Flynn the dog and Shamano the cat, and their apartment, we decided we could afford to treat ours’elves to a Clausmys present and bought a tapestry with a fairy on it from a store called Positively Haight Street. Due to a mix up concerning the stated price, one person telling us one price and then another quoting a higher one, and without any effort or comment or complaint on our part, the manager offered to split the difference with us and we wound up getting a $5 discount on it, which was probably about twice what we had donated to the unseelie. “You see,” said Silver Flame, “the magic is working.”
Finally we retired to the People’s Cafe for our daily meal and had another small surprise, for here we encountered an elfin family that we had never met before but recognized immediately as our own people. The father was an elf, wearing a tuxedo coat and a top hat and the mother a pixie with blue and purple streaks through her hair. And with them were three boys, the youngest of which was a brownie, no taller than three and a half feet high with a cherub's face and a wyzard's staff that stood taller than he. His eyes widened when he noticed us and he could hardly keep his eyes off us throughout the meal. The parents greeted us warmly and we exchanged compliments about the style of each other’s raiment.
We frequently get letters from kindred who are lost in a world of normal folk and cannot find any of our kind near them. We understand and sympathize with that dilemma, for we also, have lived in that domain. But in time, as we developed the Sight and shifted from one parallel realm to another, we’ve gradually come to the place where, even though there are still normal folk about, there are plenty of elfinkind, too. And while we don’t always know our kindred from this lifetime, we nearly always recognize them and know that, given time, we will surely become friends.

the silver elves =

silver elves, elven love letters

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