Sep 13, 2004 20:53
wow, so summer is over and i havent written in this in forever. summer was oh so fun. and school kindof sux, but certain people make it worth while<3.....and itll be good if lou goes 2 keelam cuz then ill have a girl friend 2 chill with. i do love the boys tho.
so most of you have heard aboout this weekend and sean. id like to say tho that that was the only downplay of the weekend. even all the drama was fun, prob cuz i was just the spectator that knew what everyone was thinking...sorry tosh...i love you. but yeah 3 cheers 4 tosha and Mr.Reap!
so...this weekend....
after school friday, thomas mike drew sam And clint all got inmy car. love those kids. we went home and i talked 2 micheal till ryan came and got me, which was soooooo xciting bcuz i missed tosh and bega oh so much. drove through pungo with ryan,then went bak 2 get my car and get the pictures developed....i love the pictures. they are soooo cute. then we went bak 2 lous house and me lou tosha and ryan went and got mikey....and went 2 give sam his shit,but he was at mike taylors house!!!! and i got 2 go see him and everyone over there, love those kids, stayed 2 a hot sec, then went 2 drop mikey off. after that me and tosha danced and freaked out in the bak of ryans car, i dunno, i dont remember ne details. came home(lous) and watched shrek and listened 2 pink floyd and just fucked around withmy girls.soooo much fun
i dont feel like discribing saterday duruing the day bcuz it involves like 20000000 people and a mess of drama that geeked me the fuck out. lets just say we started partying at like 8. at like 2 i had 2 go 2 practice, then went bak 2 lous just as josh and dreads were leaving, i was sad, but they said theyd meet up with me at sams. so i let tosha drive my car with me n the passanger seat cuz i couldnt drive, it was somuch fun. me tosha lou thomas and darren were all screaming bob out the windows and harmonizedlike we do. you know. so we got there, i talked 2 chris and kevin and sam and clint. then me and lou went on a bike ride with darren,that was alot offun, darren and lou are soooo funny. and then mad people showed up that i didnt know but it was just encouraging drama and thomas and darren dipped i dont remember the rest until josh showed up....then the next thing i know i was leetting tosha take thomas and darren homein my car and i was going with josh and his brother and dreads 2 tacobell and chris house. when we got bak 2 sams, lous showed up without my car or tosha, but she had gotten in trouble and lou had just left my car at her house and ryan brought her. sean and andy were there wen we got bak and they were gay so josh and chris left. so i decided i wanted 2 go 2 bed, and sean was like have a beer and i was likefuck you no,and he was like im sleeping with you, and i was like fuck you no. and i ended up sneakin upstairs and passing out with clint. haha.
sunday i woke up at 6, woke lou up, and ryan came and got us. drove through pungo then bak 2 lous 2 pass out again. woke up at noon, started home, but stopped on my way 2 talk 2 josh at croatan and tosha at her house. watched kill bill 2 with my mom and brother and josh called and those silly boys came and got me, we went 2 food lion, there soooo funny, then 2 lous, chilled there,then met murph jackie and thomas and dreads at wrv. they skated and we just huing out and talked about how everyone is going 2 kill sean. then we brought lou home and me and josh rode in the bak of the truck 2 my house, soooooo much fun...omg!!!! i hung outw with my dad the rest of the day.
today sucked, i was sick and i came home early, but as the day wore on,one special event changed everything around.<3.
well that was an interesting and very long entery, it took me like 3 hours 2 recall all this info, so that means im very bored and yeah i dont know what else. trisha here tho and i want 2 catch her up on life. peacepalyers.
atthedrivein089: im mother fucking p.i.m.p
lou and tosha fucking rule my life.