Jun 18, 2004 17:51
How come we dont even talk no more & u dont even call no more we dont barely keep in touch at all & I dont even feel the same love when we hug no more And I heard it through the grapevine We even Beefin Now After all the years we been down.. aint no way no how this bullshit cant be true We Family.. aint a damn thing changed.. unless its u! this is so true...not in the boyfriend/girlfriend context but in friendship..ok we mite not be the best of friends anymore but its damn rude to go around sayin shit like u hate me behind my back to lots of ppl fuckin just say it to my face if u have a problem wit me but dont talk shit to everyone else...oh wait that is all u do. why should i expect anything but gossip from u considering u even talk about ur supposed "best friends" behind there backs...well u have always been a backstabbing coldhearted pric so really why do i give u the benefit of doubt i guess i'ma sucka and i didnt wanna believe that u were that twofaced yah guess i was in denial
¨*·.·ºA sTrAnGer stABs yOu iN tHE fRoNt
a boYfRiEnD sTaBs yOu iN tHe hEaRt
a gOOd fRieNd stAbS yOu iN tHe baCK
bUt yOUr bESt fRieNdS dOnT caRRy kNivEsº·.·*¨ obviously we never were friends like i thought we were if ur gonna do shit like that i mean why shovel shit on our memories and fun times but i guess u have no respect and u are nuttin but a bottom feeder trying to claw ur way to the top by steppin on the ppl who once cared about u and thought u cared about them toobut yah sorry for all the ranting but i hadda get that off my chest
aNyWaY secret window tuesday! CANNOT WAIT lol i love mort ahahaha bedhead never looked so good and his lil ticks LOVE IT oh and the way he does stuff when ppl arent lookin LOL thats a me!!! sure he is kinda pyshcopathic but hey i would still so be wit that loveliness and orlando news ned kelly july 27!! :] and i cant wait to see keira as gwen in king arthur!!