To everyone...especially my soccer buddies

Nov 11, 2004 12:39

Hey my loves! Well the past couple of days have been overwhelming. For those of you who do not know, i had tendonitis on both knees. The right was worst the the left. After volleyball season, i took sometime off to get therapy on them. I am finally cured and i had a physical therapist note to prove it. My excitement was shattered once the trainer told me i needed an M.D note. I sat another game and watched all my friends play. I could see the disapointment in their eyes as i told them why. I promised that i would be back on wed. because i was going to my primary doctor to get an M.D note. I was postive that i would receive a release because the Physical Therapist said i was fine.

To my surprise my doctor did not know crap. His hands were shaking as he touched my leg. You can tell a mile away that he did not know how to handle the situation and did not know anything about knees. He said there was no swelling and i was fine, but the idiot still put that i couldn't play for 3 weeks. I tried to bargain with him but he was too asinine. He told me himself that i did not have anything. As i walked out of the office i realized that the only reason he did it is to save his ass for insurance purposes. I was so upset that i did not want to speank to anyone. I hate letting people down. It's enough that i am the goalie of the team, but now i would be missing two of their most hardest games.

When i got to school on wed. everyone was so excited about me being back. I hated myself right there. It was my fault they were so optimistic. I put everyones as well as my hopes up just to bring them down. As i told everyone one by one the situation i could see the disapointment in their eyes again. I'm some captain huh? I haven't even been able to practice with them and now i have to wait 3 more weeks. The truth is that although it looks like i'm not hurt i am. I don't like showing people what i feel. I'm mad at myself. I should not have gotten there hopes up for nothing.


I know it sucks that i'm out and i'm truly sorry for putting everyone's hopes up. I thought i was really coming back. Well look at the bright side of things, we might be playing district games, but it gives Soffie the practice and the reality check she needs to get better. She is my back up and next year's starter when i leave. Also, if i play right now, i'm out of shape and i'm slow because i couldn't do anything. By the time i come back in three weeks, i'll be more in shape and quicker to play Varela because i'm going to run and practice everyday with Rudy or on my own. Look, everything happens for a reason. What happen to me with this doctor barely happens to anyone so just take it as a sign. You never know if i could have gotten hurt again. I just want to let you guys know that i love you guys and when i come back, Varela better watch themselves...;).

To:Vicky.....I love you girly...Please help Soffie lol...Remember your sweeper and every game you get better...i'll be back soon to boss you around and take some weight off your shoulders ;)...

To:Brittney....You've improved so much since last season, keep working hard and as long as you believe your awesome...all the pieces will fall into place...Remember although we are captains no one will listen unless you are a teammate as well...keep knowcking them down ...;)

To: Melissa...aka.Chihuahua...La mas puta es la mas fina lol....Keep working hard because next year you'll be a Varsity starter

To: Melissa...aka Flaca....your a are doing so good girly....i'm glad we met because you have made this year so much fun.....i can sit here and keep typing all these positive things about you but your a puta lol....yes you girly.....anddddddddddddddd siiiiiiiiii lol....

To:Bianca....I think the only bright side of me being hurt is that i don't have to look at your face too much truth is that you were one of the ones that i felt horrible after i found out the news...We've known eachother for a while now and i just want to let you know that i wouldn't be the player i am today without you and your mom believing in me...thanks puta lol...=)...your mom is so cute lol.....

To: Elen...If you get this...I'll be running 5 miles soon lmao...your too funny pero suerta el novio lol...Your a great are probably the only one that can play every position on the just don't know how talented you truly are..

To: Tamara...don't think i forgot about you are so need to teach me how to make those beautiful goals lol....Well i know how you feel towards things and just hang in there...always remember to never let anyone influence your views of are a very bright and talented other captain lol...although bianca tells you what to say when i'm not around lol...Your the most valuable player we have offensively..DON'T EVER FORGET THAT...

To: Juli...Your a trooper....i truly admire how much heart you have for the sport...your so unique and i love how you are able to brush things have gotten so much better...sometimes it takes other people more time to realize what talent they have sitting in front of them....keep working hard and keep having the heart you have and i promise that it will pay off n the end....Don't ever quit because your not a quitter....i love you girly.....

To whoever i're not special lol....j/ i just want to say that i'm very proud of you guys and the second you think of quitting....just think of your teammates and poor Soffie you guys.....
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