Jun 19, 2020 00:05
It's late, and I'm tired, so normally I'd be going to bed now. But it's also International Webblogger Day, so being me I feel compelled to post something.
I'm still working on my space opera setting, and by working I mean adapting the items in GURPS Ultra Tech to Hero System. Didn't work on it today because Cha wanted to go shopping. I also had an idea or two yesterday. I decided that the psychic nobles of the one human culture would train with rapiers, or at least rapier like blades. Now that I think about it, I'll probably keep the rapier stats for the most part, maybe tweak them a bit, and rename the weapon. I doubt there's a Summerian word for rapier, but I can probably find sword or blade and base it off that. Been watching Star Wars, which is where I got the idea. Of course I don't want to copy the Jedi/Sith in any way that would make the source material obvious. But the idea of the psychics training with blades has a logic to it. The temptation to rely on one's psychic abilities to the point one's physical abilities deteriorated is not far fetched at all, and developing a martial art to encourage one to stay fit physically has its precedent in history. Add the wearing of the blade along with knowledge of how to use it as a status symbol, and it makes perfect sense.
I've likewise decided that the Imperial military would train with and carry swords as well. These however will be kopesh swords. Since I had to create the stats for those myself, no need to tweak them, but I will need to come up with a name, since kopesh blades were Egyptian, though they probably got them from the Sumerians.
Once I'm done converting the Ultra Tech equipment to Hero System, I can figure out how much to give the party for the ship. That's some that took me a while to decide on. I knew I wanted the group to start out with a ship, but I was having some trouble deciding whether to have them buy the ship with character points or money. I finally decided to give the group a set amount of money with which to purchase and equip a ship. This way they use money to improve the ship, and save their character points for improving their characters. Before I know how much money to give them for the ship, I have know how much things cost. The way it will work is they get a set amount as a group over and above their starting wealth to invest in a ship. Any funds from this pool not spent before the game starts are lost. They can however add funds from their personal starting wealth to the ship pool, but not the other way round. I'm also thinking of allowing them to take a few complications on the ship in order to get additional funds. Not sure how I would work that if I do though.
Guess I'll sleep on it.