May 30, 2020 22:44
Yesterday was Cha's birthday. So I took her to Palo During Canyon. We had lunch there, then sat and read for an hour or two. Then came home. It was fun. Except for the driving which I don't enjoy, but it was worth it to make Cha happy on her birthday. When we got back her Ember coffee mug was waiting outside our door. It was Cha's birthday present from me. The one I picked out for her myself as opposed to getting her something she told me to get her. So I'm very glad she liked it.
Today Cha went over her sister's house. I stayed at the apartment and worked on my Pathfinder setting. I had an idea last night for an evil adventuring party of mostly orcs as bad guys for my fourth adventure. I detailed the first member of the party, a half-fiend Orc barbarian. I would have started the second member, an orc shaman, but I was so sleepy I took a nap instead. Consequently I got very little done today. I was just too sleepy.
I don't know why I was so sleepy. I still am actually. I got plenty of sleep last night. I think I did anyway. I was up a little late. The idea for the Orc adventuring party hit me, and I wanted to settle on the members. I didn't get up that early though. Maybe ten or so. I think being out in the sun and heat just took a lot out of me. Especially having barely been outside since February. I'm pretty sure I'm sunburnt. That and very tired. Think I'll just go to sleep.