Dec 12, 2016 03:40
Sorry about posting a second essay about my dislike for parties. I didn't realize how thoroughly I had delved into the subject prior to Thanksgiving, until after I posted last night and went back to check. On the subject, some might inquire why I don't just attend and make the best of it, or something to that effect. To that question, I have no real answer. I do know that attending parties tends to leave me somewhat depressive. This effect seems more pronounced when attendance is compulsory. That's part of what is bothering me about this party. Attendance isn't compulsory per se, but seeing as it's at work, and I'm scheduled to work when the party is being held, it might as well be compulsory. Short of bluntly saying, "I don't like holidays, and I don't like parties," I see no way out if it. I don't know why I can't just keep it to myself, and attend. I do know that attending will quickly leave me in an unpleasant mood. Just thinking about attending leaves me feeling annoyed and depressive.
The problem doesn't end here though. If I should finish school and get a job in a company, I'll have to deal with more holiday parties and outings. I suppose I could always fall back on my "prior plans" tactic. However a bit of research had shown that it's a bad idea to skip holiday parties. Oh well, odds are I won't have to worry about it.
Tomorrow is my first final. My final exam for statistics is at 4:30. I'm really worried about my finals this semester. I don't know why. I've done pretty well so far in Statistics. I'm averaging 88 on my exams so far and 91 on quizes. My homework average is a 89, but that's because one assignment closed when I was only halfway finished. Otherwise I have all A's on my homework. So right now, without my final exam grade I have a 75 for the semester. If I get a 70 on the final (my lowest exam grade) I'll have an 86 for my final grade. If I get an 88 (the average for my exams) I'll get an 89 for my final grade. A 94 or above on my final exam is an A for the year. So as long as I pass the final, I've got a B for the class. So far, without my final exam grade I have a C. I would like to finish with an A, but a B is respectable considering I missed somewhere in the neighborhood of half the classes. Suddenly I'm less worried about my final exam.