Feb 16, 2008 23:27
Catherine - very sharp astringent smell, almost lemony…might be doing the legendary Lemon Pledge thing on me. Warmed up to a pleasantly citrusy smell, but not distinctive enough to get me excited.
Golden Priapus - juniper and pine, anchored a bit with warm vanilla. Actually a rather pleasant smell! I'll wear this one!
Port Au Prince - warm, marine, smells exactly like…spicy root beer? Like a candy I know I’ve had, but can’t identify. It’s kinda nice, actually, but very strange.
Nyarlathotep - vanishes again. Poof!
The Red Queen - started rather sharp and perfumey, and then vanished down to a vague sweetness, kind of roses. Not terrible, but not very interesting.
Velvet -- …buttered popcorn? Buttered popcorn and wood? This is not actually a sexy smell. It’s a weird smell. Not bad, but…not really “Raowr!”
Sin - left a not-unpleasant faint musk on my skin, but not very powerful, with a slight bitterness.
Pink Moon - Ugh, ugh, ugh. Very VERY sweet. Carnations. If you like sweet, great, but I choked.
The Cracked Bell -- went to powder.
Somnus - Holy crap. My body chemistry HATED this one. It turned into lemon pledge and turds. I have not previously experienced that, but dayum.
Lear - pleasant, but the cedar note screams “Rodents!” at me
Magus - Again, the cedar screams “rodents!” and then it vanished in about half an hour.
Wrath - Cinnamon, dragon’s blood, and clove. A little more masculine than Serpent’s Kiss. Bet it’d be great on a guy.
Tenochtitalan - orange...really orange...rather too sweet and too powerful
Dragon’s Hide - I liked this one. Leather, but not as aggressively masculine-almost, but not quite. Will definitely wear.
Blood Amber - nearly vanished on my skin. Became a faint amber pleasantness, but evaporated within twenty minutes.
Jazz Funeral - lemony. Turns to Lemon Pledge after awhile. Darn. Great name, though.
Wanda - not bad at all. Sweet merlot, very faint. Gotta kinda slather it. Not earthshaking, but would wear. Vanishes very quickly, though. Second tier.
Wicked - I have no idea how to describe this smell. I kinda like it. Second tier, though.
House of Night - Something about this one reminds me a bit of Bien Loin D’Ici, but colder and more floral. Not bad. Not jump-out-of-my-skin amazing. Second tier, maybe.
Love Me - Cinnamon and coca cola? Rather nice. Not as purely sexy as “Serpent’s Kiss,” less erotica and more good nature. Second Tier.
Bordello - I had no idea a bordello would be filled with bubble gum.
Follow Me Boy - Supposedly an ancient houdou potion. Smells vaguely of bug repellant. Could slather self with Deep Woods Off! and also be mosquito free for half the price.
Embalming Fluid - Now, I’ve never actually huffed embalming fluid, so I can’t speak to the accuracy of this odor. But it goes to an odd tea-and-lemon scent that’s actually rather pleasant at first, although it slides towards lemon pledge on me after awhile, alas.
Voodoo - Reeked of marzipan. The sweet and the almond got really cloying, and I couldn’t take it. It faded off eventually, but not to anything I liked.
Perversion - not bad, but the tonka overwhelmed everything. A little too sweet for my taste.
Hunger - strange, bitter, very strong. Can't pin it down. Interesting, but not sure if I'd wear it...that'd be one to ask a friend.
Black Forest - powerful pine without going to pine-sol. Goes a bit bugspray, though. Not sure about this one. May retest.
Oblivion - I can’t quite pin down what this smells like-perhaps appropriately!-but it smells okay. Second-tier, I’d say.
Lilith - an odd, musky orange. Dries a little too sweet for my taste, but really not bad for a citrus…might keep it around and see if it grows on me.