Learning Experiences!

Oct 30, 2013 23:43

So the new novella has been out for three whole days now, and I have learned a few things, which I will inflict on you in case any of you have ever thought of self-publishing, or in case you already self-publish and want to point and laugh at someone else (or perhaps nod knowingly and reach for the bottle.)

Doing this right is hard.

I have burst ( Read more... )

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blaisepascal October 31 2013, 00:08:56 UTC
So far, I see six 5-star reviews on Amazon.com, one of which outs you and your DeviantArt page, and one of which compares you to PTerry and David Eddings (in successive sentences). The style was also compared to a Pixar movie. That's 6 5-star reviews out of 6 reviews total, btw.

I bought my copy yesterday after the double Chapter 2 issue was resolved. I don't know if that was version 2 or version 6, but assuming it wasn't the final version, do you know if there's a way to update my Kindle copy (or does that happen automagically)?


ursulav October 31 2013, 00:14:11 UTC
That is a fantastic question, and you know, I'm not sure? It says that users will be able to download the update, but it doesn't actually tell you HOW, and I don't think I've ever done it myself!

Before I go flailing through the bowels of the beast, do any sharp readers know the answer?


dfotw October 31 2013, 00:27:46 UTC
I was just looking for an answer to that, and I found that Amazon now has a feature called 'Automatic Book Update' which, well, proclaims to do exactly what it says ("Opt in for automatic book updates to receive new versions of your books when we have confirmed that improvements were made", in Your Kindle Account).

I also bought it and downloaded it yesterday, so I hope that this will do the trick to get me the newest version. Not that I mind the typos, though. It feels special to know that you swore at each one of them.


ursulav October 31 2013, 00:42:38 UTC
I am not 100% sure how the "confirmed improvements" work, I'll be honest--apparently they want you to e-mail them and they'll decide if it counts, but it takes up to FOUR WEEKS to decide? But that may just be for "sending out a new e-mail."

I expect this is one of those things we'll learn...


dfotw October 31 2013, 01:51:44 UTC
Yeah, I'm not seeing the 'update available' notice that tephralynn mentions downthread, but that might be Amazon being slow to confirm the update, some obscure option I've not opted in somewhere, or that it was already updated automatically.

I'm learning all sort of new things about Amazon, though!


tephralynn October 31 2013, 00:29:08 UTC
If you go to Amazon and click the Manage Your Kindle link you should see that there is an update available and be able to redownload from there. Amazon may, or may not, email people when there is an update, depending on their settings.


trishalynn October 31 2013, 13:45:28 UTC
This is excellent info, thank you! I bought mine yesterday or so and I'll make sure it's updated now.


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