Not My World

Aug 09, 2012 23:15

So I just got off the phone from a conference call with my agent and somebody else’s agent (you know their stuff) and we discussed the possibility of various options for Dragonbreath, none of which I am going to talk about now, and would ask that y’all refrain from speculation, since I can’t say anything, and in the way of all things, even if ( Read more... )


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siliconshaman August 9 2012, 23:29:39 UTC
Giggling here, literally LOL!
[well, LOLBQ, laugh out loud but quietly, really. It is late here and people are in bed.]

Methinks this is why things keep happening to/for you, agents talk to each other and none of them quite know what to make of you, but are vastly entertained and tell their friends, who are interested enough to call you...


ladywind August 10 2012, 01:05:27 UTC
Somehow, between your icon & my caffeine-deprived morning-person brain, I interpreted LOLBQ as involving cackling and a charcoal grill. Your proper translation is a thing I'm glad of and a thing I'm likely to do when next I'm at a cookout.


naomijameston August 10 2012, 06:26:41 UTC
I definitely envisioned cackling and a bbq as well. Plus lighter fluid and possibly a flame thrower, just for fun. ...My family is awesome.


siliconshaman August 10 2012, 11:23:43 UTC
Umm.. there's another way to light a BBQ? One that doesn't involve improvised pyrotechnics?


naomijameston August 10 2012, 16:04:58 UTC
Apparently some people use these long matches that keep your hand away from the flames. *scoff*


derakon August 10 2012, 16:08:09 UTC
What? No, no, you use a blowtorch.


naomijameston August 10 2012, 16:38:23 UTC
*nod nod* Or carry a burning newspaper from the wood stove to the outside bbq like my dad.


neowolf2 August 10 2012, 18:05:09 UTC
The Purdue approach uses a lit cigarette and a bucket of liquid oxygen.


siliconshaman August 10 2012, 21:58:50 UTC
I've tried that, ever seen concrete burn?

The mistake I made was pouring the LOx onto the charcoal, and leaving it a few minutes so it soaked in...more-or-less instantaneous combustion, which melted the oil-drum grill and dumped hot coals and left-over LOx onto the concrete, which ignited... basically, one massive *FOOM*! a fireball, and a glowing crater where the grill was.


ceespotbee August 11 2012, 00:24:53 UTC
OMG. For real? That must have been awesome!


siliconshaman August 11 2012, 01:45:01 UTC
In retrospect...and from a safe distance yes. At the range I was at, it was more an 'Emergency pants moment' really.

Which only really means that I'll be trying it again, from a safe distance and with video recording this time.


ladywind August 10 2012, 14:23:58 UTC
:D They sound awesome indeed.


siliconshaman August 10 2012, 11:22:01 UTC
Glad to have brought a smile...anything that lights the darkness [usually metaphorically] is good, so to speak.


kaypendragon August 10 2012, 10:42:53 UTC
Maybe that's why she gets the calls - "Seriously, You must talk to this woman to believe it. No Joke."


siliconshaman August 10 2012, 11:25:27 UTC
Pretty much what I was thinking...


seanearlyaug August 10 2012, 18:07:08 UTC
Your agent knows you.The shocks have passed long ago. Having a ball park knowledge of what to expect is important, and can be acquired by experience.


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