Still not dead!

May 29, 2012 23:06

Back from ConQuest! Very fun little con, really enjoyed it, got to meet some fans and talk to some fascinating people-there was a woman who worked with cadaver-finding dogs! This was so interesting! And apparently awkward, because of course the dog is out there to find dead bodies, and if they do their job, you have to reward them and make a big fuss over them, so the handlers have to have a spotter to talk to the family and sort of get them aside so that they don’t notice that there’s a woman going “Who’s my good doggie? Who’s the bestest dog ever?” and playing with the dog in an enthusiastic manner that would be wildly inappropriate in such a situation, except that-well-dogs.

This was great stuff. Loved it.

We did have some unfortunate flight problems Friday, when our plane was discovered to be unsafe to fly, and being the Friday before Memorial Day, there wasn’t a seat to be had anywhere. So we had to fly out Saturday, and missed part of the con, but everybody was very nice about it.

And there was a fruit and cheese plate in the room. Seriously, I cannot stress enough how happy this makes your GoHs. You come in tired and a bit hungry and sloggy from a long trip and you get to the room and all you want to do is fall down for a few minutes and OH MY GOD, SOME KIND SOUL HAS GIVEN ME CHEESE! Seriously, you will never spend a better ten bucks on guest relations.

Got back fine, turned thirty-five yesterday (woo!) and took today off to go buy plants for myself. Tomorrow I have to start making art for the AC art show. I have the big pieces done, but all my medium-sized stuff sold at ConQuest, and now I gotta scramble.

Originally published at Tea with the Squash God. You can comment here or there.


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