I Still Have Most Of My Organs, Actually

May 18, 2012 00:38

So there’s this publishing horror story making the rounds the last few days-the saga of Mandy DeGeit, who submitted a short story to a small press that did anthologies and discovered that it was published with a whole lot of changes, including animal abuse, which she never saw, never okayed, and never had an inkling of until the bizillion copies ( Read more... )


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shatterstripes May 18 2012, 00:48:44 UTC
My one experience with a publisher so far has been pretty awesome. Lo Scarabeo did a great job on my Tarot deck.

Of course since English isn't their native language there wasn't really editing on the book, beyond "oh geeze this is turning out about 2x longer than we budgeted for, I can push it a little but SOMETHING NEEDS TO GO".

But aside from that? The object itself is great, it's gotten some promotion, and if the Muse taps me on the shoulder and says "You need to do a second Tarot deck", I'll be offering it to them first thing, no questions asked.


> Small presses are fraught with peril, mostly in the form of well-meaning people who have no idea how much work they’re getting into and how much money they won’t be making, so yes, vet your small press thoroughly.

yeah I'm kind of backing into setting up a small press focused on SF/fantasy graphic novels and oh my fuck I am so gonna be in over my head at some point. I am at least trying to structure it in ways to severely limit the Not Making Money part.


(slightly OT, but... ladywind May 18 2012, 01:02:41 UTC
I got a Lo Scarabeo printing of your deck for Giftmas, and I'm completely base over apex for it. Thank you for producing such an affectionate Gibbsmack of a deck. :D )


Re: (slightly OT, but... shatterstripes May 18 2012, 01:44:24 UTC
Glad you like it! I'm continually delighted that other people can connect with it, it took a good while to find a publisher willing to take the risk on such an idiosyncratic deck.


Re: (slightly OT, but... endis_ni May 18 2012, 09:41:50 UTC
What's your deck called? I've been slimming down my collection (it's with heavy heart I write that I'm down to my last 40 decks) but any friend of Ursula's is worth the buying.


Re: (slightly OT, but... shatterstripes May 18 2012, 12:24:10 UTC
Hijack! snobahr May 18 2012, 03:13:33 UTC
Aroo? tarot decks? Must investigate! View user, scan tags, find link to Amazon, order deck
Yay! It'll be here on Tuesday!


Re: Hijack! shatterstripes May 18 2012, 03:35:06 UTC
Man I did not intend to threadjack Ursula here. Didn't link to it or anything. Honest. But I am not complaining. n.n


Re: Hijack! ursulav May 18 2012, 04:02:30 UTC
*laugh* I'm delighted you got a sale off it! All is well!


Re: Hijack! snobahr May 18 2012, 06:38:32 UTC
Ursula's LJ is an intersection of Very Interesting Tidbits.


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