It Warms A Paladin's Heart...

May 15, 2012 00:33

Today, as we faced the Lawful Evil lich trying to get us to recover his stolen phylactery, the lich (Percival) asked the fatal question "What do they TEACH you in paladin school?!"

Rooster didn't even get to open his mouth. The entire party jumped in.

"Not to trust orphans!"
"To burn things and sow them with salt!"
"Hand out pamphlets!"
"...something ( Read more... )

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Comments 41

timprov May 15 2012, 04:39:01 UTC
"I have a 16 in Diplomacy! I can write laws!"

Shouldn't that be "I have a 4 in Diplomacy and 2s in Intelligence and Wisdom!"?


tygenco_x May 15 2012, 05:00:28 UTC
"...something about demon nipples!"

Hahaha! The post where you recounted all of that is still one of my favorite things to read! XD This post will be another one I go reread because it makes me laugh :D


swordmage May 15 2012, 18:42:05 UTC
I seem to have misplaced my bookmark for that one - got it?


tygenco_x May 16 2012, 04:26:16 UTC
Yes, there :)


icedrake May 15 2012, 05:02:45 UTC
Your party, what would you say its cumulative sanity rating might be?

(I can guess at what Kevin's sanity rating is :)


rebelsheart May 15 2012, 10:21:31 UTC
Rush throws off the results. You have to treat him as an outlier.


(The comment has been removed)

shoshanar May 21 2012, 22:08:39 UTC
I get the feeling Kevin may be living out the effects of those two classic ancient Chinese curses:

"May you live in interesting times." "May you find what you seek."

Exciting game? Interesting party? CHECK!


dymaxion May 15 2012, 05:34:39 UTC
You know, if I'd found a campaign with people this insane^Winventive, I might still be playing D&D, instead of having given it up for playing "serious" games in the Nordic art-larp scene.


azurelunatic May 15 2012, 07:34:45 UTC
Is the HOA more or less evil than the lich?


frieliegh May 15 2012, 08:54:10 UTC
Generally more - I'm betting they're tutoring him in his off hours.


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