Not dead!

Apr 16, 2012 15:43

I’m not dead! Really! The Hugo nomination did not kill me! It’s just been a whirl of trying to get crap done, murderous allergies, appalling taxes-I owed more than my CAR cost! And when did the state suddenly turn into a starving wolverine?-and more trying to get crap done. I’m in the death march stage of art for Book Eight, I have to start writing ( Read more... )


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Comments 34

archangelbeth April 16 2012, 16:01:55 UTC
Good luck! (Also, good luck with Regency Ninja... Your loyal fans have NOT FORGOTTEN! could probably ransom chapters to us, for that matter.)


ursulav April 16 2012, 18:12:38 UTC
Heh! I haven't poked it in awhile...maybe one of these days I'll get a patch of free time and kickstarter it or something.


archangelbeth April 16 2012, 21:10:58 UTC
Yessssss, preciousness! You could offer Tuckerization, copies of the ebook, the chance to be on an exclusive beta-reader's mailing list...

Regency Ninja Must Live!


abb3w April 17 2012, 04:53:10 UTC
Or, alternatively, succumb to a suitably noble toxin?


bardicfeline April 16 2012, 16:08:35 UTC
That's what every published author I've ever spoken to (just about) has told me to expect about the publishing business. of the stories I've heard involved one major, respected author coming home from an award ceremony given in his honor to find a rejection letter in his mailbox. XD ( ... )


ltdead April 16 2012, 17:30:24 UTC
I only have two of the books so far - but one way, when my Godson was bouncing off the walls, and driving me nuts, and refusing to do any of my suggested activities... I grabbed one off the shelf and just started reading aloud, and he settled down behind me, and I was able to read in peaceful silence for several chapters - until his mother came home.

So - definitely a good thing to have on the shelf!


ursulav April 16 2012, 18:13:31 UTC
Actually, it's a ten book series, so you'll have one more to look forward to after that! And thank you--I'm glad you're enjoying them!


kneefers April 17 2012, 15:18:04 UTC
This reminds me of a story Stephen King tells in "On Writing", about how after he made it as a famous author, he took a much-rejected story he wrote when he was sixteen and resubmitted it, and they published it. xD


lauragarabedian April 16 2012, 16:15:13 UTC
Glad that you aren't dead. Good luck with the taxes, and the rejection circuit, and the planting. Hopefully you'll get a break (as in resting, and also as in non-rejection) soon!


fiawol April 16 2012, 16:48:56 UTC
Does this mean that there might be a "Taxman: The Return" print coming? :-)


kevinbunny April 16 2012, 17:18:42 UTC
I hear ya on the taxes. I got a nice little refund on my federals, only to owe the *exact* amount on my state. Technically, it was mroe than I paid for my car - I got my car for a box of chocolate truffles, true story.


orv April 16 2012, 21:54:48 UTC
That sounds like a great story. I once almost sold a car for $500 plus two pounds of smoked salmon, but the deal was withdrawn while I was mulling it over.

No state income tax here, but that just means I end up paying more in sales tax...and there's no guarantee from year to year that state sales taxes will be deductible on federal taxes. So on the whole I'd say it's not a great tradeoff.


kevinbunny April 17 2012, 03:24:38 UTC
Not THAT much to tell.

I was left carless after my van had decided to have one last electrical short that basically took out anything with wires. It was a rather thorough frying of the electrical system - the fusing link wires that are supposed to protect from this sort of thing managed to take enough of a jolt that the entire length melted, rather than just a simple break. Totally dead in the water. So, I offloaded it and was riding my bike for a bit ( ... )


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