Not nothing

May 31, 2012 03:20

On the other hand, my bones have hardly bothered me at all for quite a while. My heart is a major pain in the ass, but for a couple of years now my bones have hurt so much less than I ever dared to dream. Sometimes I kind of forget that I have arthritis, even. It's like forgetting you used to be on fire. I'd gladly forget it forever.

My bones were agonizing for several years, and then they mysteriously got better and my heart started beating too damn fast instead. I hate my stupid heart, but at least it doesn't make every single moment of my life hell, the way the bones did. My throbbing heart is a cakewalk, compared to living with a throbbing hip.

The bone pain could come back, at any moment. But it's not here, right now. And that absence is not nothing.

Oh, yeah. Meany and Sweetie interviewed Abby Travis the other day.

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