(no subject)

May 17, 2009 15:54

Well, it's a Sunday afternoon, and I'm bored. I have two French retakes tomorrow, but I'm really not stressing about them, seeing as I already have a B so therefore am only retaking to see if I can bump up my grade a bit, to make getting a B overall after A2 a little easier. So, instead of going over verbs, I am listening to this song on repeat:

image Click to view

Yelle is love. Seriously. Especially when her stuff is remixed. Trust me to only like dance music when it's French, huh.

So, what have I done this past week, then, eh?

Monday: History exam. Went ok I think. Despite learning the stuff the day before... Then T Lounge I'm assuming, seeing as half my life is spent there...
Tuesday: I honestly can't remember. I have no recollection of Tuesday. Did it even happen?! Oh God.... Double Mrs Mills. I lost a little more of my soul that day...
Wednesday: FRENCH ORAL :S :S :S OD'd on Rescue Remedy as only I could. We shall never speak of this day again. I then spent the afternoon in the T Lounge with Nathan and Ben and Tilly (:S) and did sod all :D
Thursday: Three period day, and spent the other two periods doing French work... STORY OF MY LIFE.
Fridayyyyyyyyy: Spent the morning learning the course for the retake I had in the afternoon (this sounds bad, but I HAD already sat this exam twice before), then had the exam in the afternoon, then had to go to a revision session for French, then lied about being ill so I didn't have to go out in the evening because I was a) skint b) feeling lazy and tired and c) not wanting to go out generally.
Saturday: Nada. Apart from watch the Eurovision Song Contest hahah

Wow my life is INTERESTING, huh. Ah well...

Next week I'm going out on the town to celebrate the last day of school EV-ER (scary, scary times!), and then it's James' party on the Monday of Half Term which I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO looking forward to like you would not BELIEVE :D :D :D

school, french, music, exams

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