Nothing of particular interest...

Jan 27, 2009 23:02

I keep chewing on my lip, and it's beginning to go raw... I know I'm gonna get an ulcer but it's one of those things that when you know you should stop, you can't leave it alone. It's like a mosquito bite that you know you shouldn't itch, but yet you catch yourself itching just 10 minutes after that conscious thought process...

Man I am tired.

Saw Slumdog Millionaire the other day; it was AMAZING. Seriously. The only thing that I would day, which isn't even a criticism of the film itself, actually, is that the adverts describe it as a, "feel-good film". Yeah, it isn't exactly feel-good. It's a pretty sad story, I'm not gonna lie!

In the shower just now, I was thinking that I would like to start making Youtube videos. I spend so much tome on that site, it seems strange that I haven't actually attempted to yet. I watch snippets of the lives of all these other people, I watch makeup tutorials of makeup I will never try out, I watch vlogs of people I will never meet, I watch fan-made videos of Harry Potter-based stuff, and I use it as a source of music, especially for Disney songs, and especially for Disney songs in other languages, but yet I have never actually posted anything onto the site myself. And I think I should change that. So, if I DO end up seeing this plan through to the end, and knowing how bad I am at sticking to stuff who knows if this will actually ever happen, I would like to post videos giving reviews about books I have read. Sort of like the 50 books in a year thing, but making a video about them, rather than posting a written review...

I've finished all my exams until the summer now, and I'm finding myself more and more looking forward to Turkey! Only problem is, the sooner that holiday comes, the sooner our A Levels and the END OF SIXTH FORM come! :S Scary stuff!

Also, today, I got my work rota for February Half Term and I didn't read it properly when it came through. I only read the first page, and also read it in the wrong direction, thinking that the page in front of me was the whole document... I then sent an email to my boss asking if there had been some sort of mistake, because I hadn't been put on to work, (or so I thought) until my mum pointed out that there were three other pages, and I was just looking at the Monday... I then had to send ANOTHER email to say that I'd been an idiot and there wasn't actually a problem at all... Oops...

review, exams, holiday, work

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