Wow, my life sucked today...

Jun 10, 2008 22:27

That was a suitably emo beginning to a post on here methinks lol...

Wow, its been a long time...
And I'm not entirely sure why, because it's not like I've actually been doing anything; I suppose LJ just came a lot lower down the list than all the other random crap I sit around and do....

Hmmmm I have a lot of things to say right now...

I think I will list them and then go back and detail them in. You won't notice I've gone back though haha
(This is gonna be like, the longest post I have ever written. And I just put "like" in the middle of a sentence, such as the way I speak. BAD TIMES!)

1. Today.

Today was not so good for several reasons. We had planned to go to the beach, and I had made up a picnic, and arranged to meet everyone at the train station. However, everyone else decided to cancel on me, so it was just Anisha and I, stranded at the station at some un-Godly hour where I should have rightly been fast asleep in bed. It seemed a little pointless to go to the beach after that, so we went window shopping for a bit, and then ate some of the picnic I'd made, and then, randomly enough, bumped into Tilly and Hannah. Hannah decided to spend the rest of the morning to early afternoon with us (which was nice 'cos I hardly ever see her), and we had lunch out. Which was also nice. But expensive.

2. Presents.

.....and I also had the opportunity today to get birthday presents for Michael and James (even though James doesn't deserve one grrrr)

James has a Dashboard Jesus, and Michael has a really cool Dalek pen which makes noises when you turn it on and off.

(Can you tell I'm 18 this year? No. 'cause I act like I'm 10 still lol)

3. End of exams.

It's the end of exams! Wooooo! No more 'til 2009....
I have to keep saying that to myself because it sounds SO GOOOD!
I can't remember if I wrote about my exams before or not, so if I did, fine, and if I didn't, well we shall draw a line under the whole sorry affair right here. There.

4. Grandparents.

Last week, I went to see my grandparents, which was LOVELY.
And I love them and they're lovely. 'Nuff said.

5. List of goals.
(Totally just read that back as "List of goats"!)

I've had this idea, that I want to try and give myself some motivation in life, and instead of simply focussing on academic achievements, actually give myself goals that I really want to achieve,

Which include:

6. Knitting.

I've ordered myself a Harry Potter-theme knitting pattern book off Amazon, I want to complete at least one project by the end of the summer.

7. Books.

Participate in the 50 books in a year challenge on LJ
(I'll find the link some other time...) 
I have 33 books that are either new-and-unread, unread-and-not-new-enough-that-newness-is-an-excuse-any-more, or started-but-never-finished. (Along with some old classics that I just HAVE to reread again.)
I will make a list of them in a post right after this, and then I can cross them off when they're done. These books need to be read by the end of the year...

8. Fernwithy.

OMG, this is really important.
I HAVE to finish reading all of Fernwithy's Harry Potter fanfic because it is SO INCREDIBLE and I haven't even managed to get a third of the way through Shades yet (because I am lazy and do not deserve to be able to read) and this is a TRAVESTY. And then I can get up to date with all the Teddy-themed fics as well. YAY!
That's by the beginning of the summer hols, methinks...

9. Art.

Ok, this is especially personal.
I HAVE to do some art.
It actually hurts a little bit physically, it's been that long since I've done any properly.

I will probably add to this list over time, we'll just have to see how it goes...

(Right, only 2 more things of varying interest...)

10. SHOEBOX!!!!!!!

That is all I have to say on that matter.
(That, and, Remus would KILL me for my over punctuation there. Sorry, Remus!)

Aaaaaand crawling in at 11.

I seem to have developed a basic capability of touch-typing....
I'm impressed at myself :P

Uh, buhbye now :)

(PS. Emmy The Great is really good, especially her song, MIA. Also I now love Noah And The Whale. Also, they played Laura Marling in Topshop today. It made me happy :) )

bad day, list, life, books, goals

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