(no subject)

Jul 29, 2009 20:02

There is a gradually growing list of Things I Should Be Doing Instead Of Bumming Around On The Internet, which at the moment includes changing the lightbulb in my room which just blew, getting the washing out of the washing machine in the blind hope that it might just get dry by tomorrow, do all the washing up from the past couple of days and then put said clean kitchen stuff away, figure out what I'm going to take tomorrow, and figure out how I'm going to handle the Underground on my own, walk up to Nikki's and post the £20 she lent me through her letterbox, and finally, figure out what I'm going to eat this evening that will enable me to use up the rest of the milk...

Instead I am sitting here, trying to figure out what I'm going to write about, because I like writing on here even if noone actually reads it. I didn't start this LJ to be some sort of public forum, I started it as a way of keeping a diary that noone I know would be able to find with ease. It's not google-able, trust me I've tried.

School finished a WHILE ago. I've sort of had enough now. It's been nearly six weeks and I want to go back to school :(

I haven't quite come to terms with the fact that I'm never going back to ND. Even typing that sends this little jolt of fear and horror and sadness. And I think my inability to deal with this well is beginning to infiltrate itself into other areas of my life, in a way which is succeeding in turning me into a crazy neurotic wreck. Take Torchwood, for example. I feel like I'm in mourning for Ianto, and every time I think of Gwen I feel the same wrench of sadness that I feel every time I think of Remus, that all his friends have gone and he has to be the one who's left alive, and left behind. And this is CRAZY because I'm mourning a fictional character for christsakes! WTF, BRAIN? I've never reacted like this when someone IRL has died! Oh God...

Also, you know that story arc in Scrubs where Elliot is dating the marine biologist guy, and JD realises he's still in love with her, and she REALLY doesn't help the situation by constantly semi-flirting, and doing stuff like fall asleep on his shoulder and stuff, and then goes on about how lovely her boyf is? I feel JD's pain, I really do.

Here, have a picture of Turkey. That was a really good holiday. I felt like me.


school, fear, holiday, life

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