Apr 02, 2006 05:36
haha this is a quiz i took back in august '05. it's april '06.
let's see what changed.
[ (#) the ones you've kissed...]
(too many to count) on the cheek.
(18+) on the lips. (craig, tyler, amanda, dayana, dylan, ryan, roxxy, carlos, micheal, kasey, angelina, anthony, brad, james, josh, mike, gary, & someone*, +a few random hot guys @ clubs)
(3) on their hands or fingers. (angelina, james, someone*)
(6) on their stomach. (taylor, dayana, amanda, thomas, james, & ashley p.)
(7) on their ear. (micheal, will, angelina, kasey, thomas, jeff, & someone*)
(6) on their neck. (dylan, angelina, kasey, brad, james, & someone*)
(1) in my room. (someone*)
(5) in their room. (dayana, ryan, anthony, brad, & james)
(6) of the same sex. (amanda, dayana, roxxy, kasey, angelina, & someone*)
(12+) of the opposite sex. (um, all the others.. duh.)
(3) younger than me. (micheal, angelina, & josh)
(15) older than me. (duh.)
(?) with jet black hair. (maybe some of those random guys..?)
(3) with curly hair. (dayana, dylan, & roxxy)
(3) with blonde hair & blue eyes. (kasey, james, & someone*)
(2) with flaming red hair. (guy from club, & gary)
(10) with straight hair. (craig, carlos, kasey, anthony, tyler, brad, james, josh, mike, & gary)
(1) smaller/shorter than me. (josh)
(17+) bigger/taller than me. (duh.)
(0) with a lip ring.
(1) who was drunk. (mike)
(1) who was high. (mike)
(4+) who I had just met. (craig, carlos, kasey, mike, +all random guys)
(4) who was homosexual. (kasey, angelina, anthony, & someone*)
(5) who I didn't really want to kiss. (tyler, angelina, anthony, josh, & mike. all = omg.. NO.)
(0) on a holiday.
(2.. possibly 3+) who was going out with someone else. (dylan, possibly micheal, gary, +random guys i'm sure.)
(1) who was going out with someone close to me. (dylan)
(1) who was my good friend's brother or sister. (micheal)
(2) who had been/is in jail. (mike, & gary)
(0) in a graveyard.
(0) at a show/concert.
(0) at the beach.
(1) in a pool, jacuzzi, or some type of water. (carlos)
(5+) who was legally too young/old for me to have sex with (ryan, brad, james, mike, gary, +some)
(1) with dyed hair. (angelina)
(0) with a shaved head.
(4) who was/is my good friend. (amanda, dayana, dylan, roxxy, kasey, angelina, & someone*)
(2+) who was/is in a band. (brad, james, +some i'm sure)
(2, possibly 4+) who has tattoos. (brad, james, possibly mike & gary, +some)
(1) who is of a completely different race than me. (carlos)
(0) in the rain. (i wish..)
(0) in another continent besides where I was born.
(1) with an accent. (carlos)
(0) with an std. (ew god, i hope not.)
(0) on a boat.
(5) in a car/taxi/bus. (ryan, micheal, brad, james, gary)
[someone* = you know who you are.]
hmm, interesting.