Jul 02, 2005 18:39
1) Single or Taken: Single
2) Birthday: 5-9-91
3) Siblings: 1 half sister
4) Hair color: changes constantly
5) Shoe size: 9 or 9 1/2
6) Height: 5'5
7) Who is/are your best/closest friend(s): Jaime/Tayler/April
---------------Fashion Stuff---------------
1) Where is your favorite place to shop?: BIG LOTS
2) Do you have any tattoos or piercings?: ears
1) Have you ever smoked?: yes
2) What kind of shampoo do you use?: uhh...suave?
3) What are you most scared of?: BEES
4) What are you listening to right now?: a tv
5) What vehicles do you wish to have?: 57 Chevy
6) how many people are on your buddy list now?: like 30-40
7) If you could change anything about yourself what would it be?: my body
1) Color: purple
2) Place to eat: my house
3) Names for boys: Thadeous
4) Names for girls: Ayla
5) Subjects in school: Science
---------------Have You Ever---------------
1) Given anyone a bath?: yes....a baby
2) Broken the law?: yes
3) Made your-self throw-up?: no
4) Made your-self cry to get out of trouble?: yes
5) Been so drunk you blacked out?: yes...
6) Missed school because it rained?: no.
7) Put a body part on fire for amusement?: yes
8) Been hurt emotionally?: heck yeah
9) Kept a secret from everyone?: yep
10) Had an imaginary friend?: like 5
11) Cried during a movie?: yeah
12) Had a crush on a teacher?: yes.....
13) Cut your own hair?: yes
14) Been sarcastic?: all the time
15) Slept with someone when they were seeing someone else?: no
17) Regretted doing something?: all the time
18) Had a tattoo? no.
19) Slept with a relative?: no...slept next to a relative yes but not with lol
20) Did you have to think about that question? yes
21) Been caught doing something private? yes
---------------Friends & Life---------------
1) Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: no
2) Like anyone?: a few
3) Who have you known the longest of your friends? sixith
4) Who is the loudest?: sami
5) Who is the shyest? Jaime
6) Who is the weirdest?...Brett
7) Who do you go to for advice?:...uhhh everyone for differnet subjects
8) Who do you cry with?: Jaime
9) Who can you tell almost anything?: April
10) Do you believe in soul mates? sure
11) Who has seen you cry?: no one
12) When have you cried the most?: after I left for my trip
---------------Right Now---------------
1) Wearing: jeans and a t-shirt
2) Drinking: Nothing
3) Thinking about: a guy...and a girl
4) Talking to: Danny S.
5) Watching: nothing
---------------In The Last 24 Hours---------------
1) Cried: yep
2) Met someone new: no
3) Cleaned your room: yes
4) Drove a car: no
---------------Do You Believe In---------------
1) Santa Claus: YES.
2) Yourself: sure
3) Tooth Fairy: no
4) Ghosts: yes
5) Spirits: yes
6) Angels: yes
7) Karma: yes
Final Questions---------------
1) Gold or Silver: Silver
2) What is the last film you saw: Mr. & Mrs.Smith
3) Favorite cartoon character(s): Meg
4) What do you have for breakfast: pizza
5) Who would you hate being locked in a room with? bob dole?
6) Who would you love being locked in a room with?: Adam Brody
1. Given a homeless guy more than $5? no
2. Spent more than $500 on a bf/gf's gift or a night out? no
3. Had sex with more than one person in a day?: no
4. Hooked up with a good friends bf/gf behind their back?: no
5. Dated two people at once?: no
6. Actually met someone from the internet that you didn't know before?: no
7. Been raped?: yes....I was like three
8. Failed more than one class? : nope
9. Took someone's virginity when you weren't a virgin?: no
10. Hooked up with someone from a different race?: no but i wouldn't have cared
11. Ran around naked outside ..daytime/night time? yes
12. Scoobadived?...no
13. Snorkled? no
14. Dated someone you didn't want your friends to meet?: yes
15. Got your stomach pumped, from alcohol poisoning?: no
16. Threw up from alcohol?: yes
17. Been suspended from school?: no
18. Kissed someone of the same sex?: yes
19. Wore a short skirt with out panties? no
20. Let a guy paint your toenails?: uhh no
21. Met someone famous? yes
22. Saved someone's life? i have no idea maybe
23. Seen someone die?: no
24. Killed someone?... no but it would be nice
25. Been in a physical fight?: yeah
26. Hooked up with someone 10yrs older or younger than you?: eww no
27. Been arrested? nope
28. Spent the night in jail?no
29. Been in more than three car accidents in one year? : i dont think i have
30. Had sex outside?: no
31. Given or gotten road head?: uhh no
32. Had sex in your house when your parents were home?: no
33. Had phone sex?: no comment
34. Been turned off by someone's personal hygiene "down there?"-: uhh no and i wouldn't know or wouldn't want to know about there personal hygiene down there
35. Told someone you loved them when you didn't?: yes
36. Had sex without a condom?: no
37. Had a one night stand?: nope
38. Triple Kissed?: uhhh i might have
39. Had sex on the beach?: uhhh no
40. Watched porn with someone else?: maby
41. Been fired from a job?: no
42. Danced on top of a bar?: no
43. Had sex somewhere in your high school?: no
44. Bought a vibrator?: no
45. Been in a porn shop? yes.....
46. Been in a dance competition?: no
47. Had a threesome?: no
48. Spent more than one night in a hospital?: nope
49. ODed on a drug?:...uhhh no
Megan ♥