today was so windyyyy. even though it knocked out our electric for a few hours, i loved it. chilly weather, please stay [only maybe not mess with the electric-- mark and i kinda' can't live without it for long]!!!
and i guess it was kinda' nice that, inbetween it shutting off and coming back on, i got to take a little nap. yum.
also, my
fairy tale: a true story came in today. totally essited about that. mark and i will prolly end up popping it in before bed because i'm, honestly, kinda' friends'ed out. (mark and i usually like to watch something before sleep because, otherwise, i have a really hard time falling asleep.) however, even as i say that, we've been enjoying it. i really laughed it up last night when we watched 'the one with the black out.' the part where palo's (sp?) cat latches onto the back of ross's neck when he's about to share his feelings with rachel-- i laughed harder each and every time he ran across the window flailing the cat around. classic. it's weird. watching it this time around, i actually like ross a lot more than i used to. i used to be all about phoebe and chandler, and maybe that's because when i started watching it, it was in one of the later seasons. *shrugs* either way, phoebe is still my favorite character. i've even considered changing phoebe cates' last name. :o but then, that might be weird for her.
mark and i started studying hebrews today. i know we were in the middle of studying first samuel and i actually was struggling with feeling like we were bouncing around, but after the first few chapters of first samuel, i was having a really hard time focusing and i figured it was because i was having a hard time applying it to where i'm currently at in my life. i felt guilty because i know every book of the Bible carries the same weight in that it's all the Word of God and points toward Christ, i just felt like maybe first samuel would be a good book to study when i'm needing to focus more on history than needing specific application. we'll see. we were on the first chapter of hebrews for so long talking about the trinity that we only finished one chapter when we usually do two. it (the trinity and it being there before all of creation) is such a huge concept...i have such a hard time wrapping my head around it. but then, not completely understanding or knowing why our God is the way He is is the beauty in knowing God is so much huger than us. sometimes, i surprise myself at how much i still try to make too much sense out of it. i really need to cling to faith in knowing that God is so much more than we could ever even fathom...and what He's done and is doing is so amazing and all for the good of His glory. i'm just lucky i get to be a part of it. i'm sooo glad i have someone like mark to patiently and lovingly guide me through it. mark's never lost patience or thrown his hands up when he doesn't have the exact answer that i am asking for. Christ really shines through him. i really am blessed.
we're leaving for photo class any minute. pretty excited even though i'm not really sure what to expect. atleast it's free (ritz camera gives 18 free photo classes with a purchase of one of their cameras) so it's all good.
hope everyone had/has a fantastic day/night.