Apr 27, 2007 01:44
well another day another bad news situation about a few weeks back my grandmother on my fathers side died and before that he was diagnosed with cancer on his vocal cords well they removed it and told him oh come back in like six months and we'll check again of course and did nothing else. well today I find out it regrew and is in his lungs go figure and good thing he didn't wait that long he sought second opinions at rosswell and they checked and it's regrown and it might be in his lungs now. they offered him treatment chemo or that new photo what ever but they aren't guarenteeing anything and it would cause him to never speak again and they gave him 5yrs to live yeah so my day's going great and I just don't know if I want to see what's next to come because I can't deal with anymore bad news.other then that my day was slow but went by pretty well I won the power ball it was only 16 dollars but it'll get me through till pay day lol yea! now tomorrow is my day off so I can go blow it in one shot right lol.
well thats all tonight till next time ta