xdirrrtylove: WATCH TV..verb its what you do
awaytoblame: HAHAHA
awaytoblame: i hate verb
xdirrrtylove: i know
awaytoblame: haha.
xdirrrtylove: well im gonna shove it up their ass
xdirrrtylove: thats a verb
awaytoblame: LMFAO.
i love conversations with
amberizzle they are the bestest. you know you like what i said. she always knows how to make me un-bored. so do other people like danny.and my sister.
*P.S. i cried last night. wow. i havent cried since jonathan...*
so anyways. heres what im updating about. i have swim practice at 7:45 which sucks your toes. i think im getting pink eye again. i havent worn make-up all day. big woop-di-do. im listening to finch. im hungry. my parents are big spiders. there mean, ugly (lol j/k), they scare me, and nasty.if you didnt know i dont like spiders. and i actually wore sandals for the first time since last summer. ill update later. i just felt like doing this stupid ass random post. you know you got love for me.
♥always and forever