Dec 30, 2010 09:27
I left my boyfriend in October. Live alone. Met some people along the way. Most are stupid. One is smart. He isn't the one who wants a relationship. I had a nice christmas spent all of my time with family. Mostly my dads side. Actually Christmas Day dinner was amazing at my cousin Rob's cabin in the woods. A huge fire place. Candles with dinner and lots of unconditional love.
I have my 6 yr old niece and her friend sleep here a lot. They keep me smiling.
I baked cookies and candy for loved ones this holiday. I am having surgery on January 12th 2011 to have my ovary removed and the cyst that grew on it and has caused me pain for a long time.
I am scared very much.
I woke up this morning with someone whistling outside my window in the cold air. I am wishing this was a sign of "hope" along with the morning sun we don't see much. I also woke up from having a dream about Robert Crumpler. My x orginally from Colorado. He is history, remarried now again. Why do I have these flashbacks? Why does my heart ache?