May 03, 2006 11:30
After not putting enough work into my senior thesis throughout the semester, I found myself in an unfortunate position. I had two weeks in which to write/edit the material I had into good enough shape to submitt to my readers. I'm a very independent worker (ie. I procrastinate and work best under pressure, thus I don't like to work closely with professors) and I only met with my readers once during the semester. So when I handed in a draft (a very rough draft) to my first reader two weeks before the body of the thesis was due, he hadn't seen any of my work yet. He was appalled. He wrote me three emails in which he said "this is not passing work," "I am not a dancing bear," and "I feel like a fast food server editing a shoddy body of work." He also refered my rough draft as a "text" (in quotation marks) - imply, of course, that it was not worthy of the title. In light of this, I find it amusing that today (after I handed my completed thesis in on friday) I recieved an email from this same professor in which he said "we [both readers] thought your thesis was excellent and deserving of an A-. I mean, wow. I worked really hard to get it into shape during the last two weeks, but in light of this email I have a few theories....
1) uber grade inflation occurs at Pomona.
2) he was just trying to psych me out with his earlier emails (which I do not think is true considering the extent of his rage).
3) I am really really really good at revising.
4) the universe is insane.
I'm opting for 4. How silly. Now, after reading the rather glowing praise he tossed in my direction, I wish I'd worked with him throughout the semester so I could have gotten that A. Oh well. I won't pretend I'm not happy.