Have you?

Jul 07, 2006 14:45

Have you ever wanted something so bad? That u'd do anything to get it? Have you ever loved something so much, u'd do anything to protect it? Sometimes i feel that life is unfair to me...but the saying goes "life isn't fair". I know I know...sometimes it just seems like my life is falling apart...but when i does...I have him...he helps me through the tough times with school, work, and my family...yet he doesn't even know he's helping... so today i thanked him...and he asked "what for?". I responded with "just b/c of all the help that you've given me...and i just wanted to say thank you." He said i didn't need to thank him...but i felt like i had to... so i did...

another note...I've gotten better with keeping up with my classes...well maybe just a little better..took my first exam today..it wasn't that bad...there were only a few i had to take "educated guesses" on...but the rest was a piece of cake...thank goodness i won't ever need this class again...

okay..where was i going with this...oh yeah...I have ADD so...bear with me if you're reading this...i suggest you stop now...but if you insist on reading here's more...

I'm in class right now actaully..and it doesn't seem to interest me anymore...the stuff they go through is so elementary to me...wth?? i already know it so it doesn't hold my interest in the class...is that a bad thing? and it makes me not want to come to class...becuase i don't know if class one day will cover new material or not...
oh well...thank goodness only 30 more minutes left...
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