Evil act of the day

Jul 11, 2007 06:36

Tearing down Ron Paul flyers from telephone poles. Yes, I know he won't win the presidency. Yes, it's a little meanspirited. But goddamnit, he's not just some quixotic old man- he's an insane quixotic old man. He wants to return us to the gold standard. He's repeatedly said that 'the advocates of so-called 'diversity' actually perpetuate racism.' He wants to abolish the IRS and the Federal Income Tax. He's opposed to a 'rigid separation between church and state'. He's emphatically pro-life. He's opposed to welfare, trade agreements and restrictions, and almost anything that contradicts his (very narrow) understanding of the Constitution. He's opposed to the Civil Rights Act of 1964, for god's sake. If Ron Paul could have voted against the 14th Amendment, or the 19th, do not doubt that he would have.
Yes, he's against the Iraq war and the Patriot Act. So are any number of other people, equally unelectable, but a lot less repugnant to me. So I tear down his flyers.

Postscript: Oh, see, they went and made me turn off anonymous commenting. If you aren't willing to attach yourself to an identity, you can go post your National Taxpayers Union boilerplate elsewhere.


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