Yea, I know it, so go on and laugh. I know it. I deserve it, I'm such a lemming

Dec 17, 2008 18:14

So last night I SWORE I would not go in to work today. I swore it, and swore it, and said it, and banged the table and ate my hot fudge and brownie concoction and swore some more that I would take today off like I needed to, and sleep in, and clean my house, and put up Yuletide decorations...

Well, I got it mostly right. Got a bunch of things put up, and stuff sorted and put away (but not the laundry, dear gods it's mutating and growing before my EYES) and was up all night, and couldn't sleep so I was up by noon and...

Yep, got called in. Couldn't say no. So guess where I am going to be?


I so suck at saying no. Getting better though, only doing HALF a shift - or maybe a little more... THAT'LL show 'em I mean business! Or not.
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