Dec 18, 2005 11:10

Yah well christmas is like in 6 days or something
and i have nothing to do this winter break im hoping
to get my hair bleach blonde not all just some sides
and thick strands and all with angela but i dont know.

I got some early christmas presents from my family since
well we had a big fight and all and are family is like ruined
so we wont have a big happy christmas like all you happy kids
will have it will just be a simple plan one but then again
thats just the way i like it . yep. i dont want to give up on
school but sometimes i just hate it and all but i have to get my
credits im sooooo behind its embarrassing. i might not graduate.
it sucks. but i dont know whtf happens happens there always
summer school which doesnt bug me.

im driving in january i just have to call and set up a appointment
so i can go drive it will be a piece of cake since i know how
to drive and all already it was be like CAAAKE.

Yah so the rumor about me and ben wow i dont even know how it started but
i never said that i wanted to be with him again i wouldnt i dont talk to
people about stuff like that its personal i think about it myself and
yah of course i have thought about it but well once again i think about it
to myself and not others i have no idea how that even came up at school and then
to ben.

i have no freakin clue but whtf.
i miss us no talking though
we should be good friends
and be more open.

meh well other than that im gona go hangout with
BRAD today since he really wanted to hangout
and, i really like brad he is a nice kid
super cool.
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