Atheletics carnival

Jun 02, 2008 18:57

It started as a strange day. it was raining lightly. it was so light, it felt like it wasnt raining, though after five minutes out in the rain, my bag was soaked. thomas had called and asked me to look after her. she supposedly missed the train so i waited, for 30mins and yet no sign of her. i waited for 2 trains to go by. i decided not to wait any longer, as i might have missed her on the first one.

so i left. the stadium seemed to big and lonely. with the grey background, it was difficult to want to be there. after 5mins i found the yr 11 group... Ben, Sunny, Peter, Hayden, Beatle and Tristian. i was on the verge of leaving. me and sunny had ... well he devised a plan to leave, though the corners and exists were blocked with the teachers. so were were stuck.

-First event -

100m 17+ i was pumped! i convinced Sunny to join me so i didnt look so lonely. it was our heat, and BAM the shot fired, i didnt know what to do, though my body seemed to - it was just pumping my legs, was going so quick i was about to slip. after 13.71 seconds, it was the end, and i wanted to run for hrs! after meeting up with Robert i was estactic about 13seconds. after another 2 mins, i went back to the stadium and sat down. within seconds i felt so sick, so i drank water. it is the sort of sick, where you havent been used to the exercise and sudden burst of energy. as a response, my stomach decided it was giving in. so after 10min the in the toilet i was as good as new =]

-second event-

200m. i dont really remember it... but i had the thought that if i had the same amount of energy and effort in the 100 it was only be double. i only missed out by a bit. 28.77seconds. ah ... i remember, about 50m to the finish line i got a stitch. silly me didnt realise i was meant to run so i bought a crappy hot dog and ate it ^^|

-third event-

before each race i questioned why i was here, i could have  been playing games and what not, but each time i remembered. there were two main reasons, to test myself out [and show off ; ]  haha or not ] and another reason no one shall know about =]

it was long jump... *sigh* i love long jump.. and every other year we had 3 tries. this year was only 2. the first try for me was a foul, because there were two line, and i thought ... yeah.. they said first line so i assumed it was the first closest to the sand! ==" the next =] i jump 4.53m though i only jumped with one leg.. *shrugs* two legs sounds and looks retarded, but hey, whatever gets me 5ms =P haha [i wish] but yeah.. first time i jumped off my left leg, the second i jumped off my right. i landed and ate a lot of sand =P or at least my shoe did. yeah.. and i found out.. i came third of all the people.. so i am into zone [however i am gonna get off it, i dun wanna miss a day of school for someting as boring as on event! and!!! .. i've got nothing.. ] =P

-fourth event-

by this time i was buggered, i wasnt meant to run this damn 400m ... but i did anyways.. i thought i'd jog it or something, but *shrugS* spur of the moment sorta thing =] it was me and ken chen! it was actually me and KEN CHEN for 100m, 200m, and 400m, long jump =] so we ALMOST became best buds [hahaha]  after 350m i just got tired, and didnt bother ^^|

and at this time ken came up to me and told me i am in the final 100m!! and i was like WTF! *sigh* so i was made to run another! 100m ==: and then the relay...

-fifth event-

100m final... i was the slowest in the whole =P AND AND!! only asian =D so i was proud! but this also meant sunny wasnt with me .. so i was lonely, kicking dirt, and looking at the sky... which had dried up. i ran closest to the stands and when i ran past, with my heels kicking my ass, a girl [i am assuming] cheers for me... after the race it kicked in.. cos i didnt know WHO it was .. and the only girls i knew were judy, jennifer, ... and kim!  karen ...and they arent the cheering type.. besides this voice was like a different grade's AND a random person! so i was like WTH!! who who!! [spins around =P]  in that race i came last ^^ as expected =D though it was neck and neck to lane 7 =]

-6th event-

relay... when they called up for it earlier on, it was only me who was doing it... no one else showed up so i was like.. ok.. no one is doing, no relay?? x ]  then when it was called, daniel called me in and asked if i wanted to do it.. right after the 100m run!! ==" so i was like.. fine alright.. [btw after the 200m which i was a little woosy, i was fine =] so ... i once again was lonered.. with white guys and girls, and borders. not even ken chen! =( i was the last runner, and tom was the third >< and he ran in the one before! and he had pressure... so it was like 5ms away and he yelled at me RUN! START RUNNING! i was like .. ahh!! >< ok ok! running! [in my head] and he gave me the baton... i ran.. and got to the line third... [what else was i meant to do against machin and rory... ] lucky for me, farrar had slow people =] so (thanks tom) =]

and AGAIN! someone cheered for me and i was like.. WHO ... the F@#% is that?!?! i swear i was about to slip! .. ><


it was a good day, both my intentions of coming were fulfilled, and to put the cherry and icing on top. my second intention was fulfilled and over flowed after we left the station. =]

[the other guys]

most of them didnt compete.. ==" i mean why did they come then? x ] they just sat there playing ds mario cart, screaming at each other saying how they owned him and yadiya.. and i was like... righteo.. back away... x] the canteen food werent that great.. and i hung out with robert most of the time. yr 10 robert zheng =] my little brother.. though he is like double my size ==" ... ridiculous..

and we went home..

now?? i skipped tutor.. by accidentally falling asleep on my bed ^^| i was RESTING my eyes .. = ( ... the stitch earlier on is now here to haunt me.. as everytime i turn.. it hurts... my legs are giving way.. so i am sitting almost 99% of the time x ] and i am crap tired.. though.. i cant sleep.. thinking a lot too... i was meant to do that at the carnival!!! [stupid hanson]  *shrugs*

THE END =] i hope you enjoyed it ^^
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