Survey From Facebook.

Nov 02, 2008 21:34

1)Why are you single? A variety of reasons.

2)Tell me about the shirt you're wearing? Can I tell you about my favorite shirt instead? It's white with black and pink writing on it. It's a Say Anything shirt and it says, "This is F***ing Ecstacy. The shirt I am currently wearing isn't even half as cool.

3)What do you think about the Jonas brothers? Joe's a babe.

4)What are you currently hearing? A Dance, Dance remix.

5) When were you last outside? Like two minutes ago. I just got home.

6) What was the first thing you thought this morning? "Why is this crazy boy calling me at this hour?"

7) Are you afraid of the dark? Sometimes.

8) Who was the last person you hung out with? Mete

9) Are you currently frustrated with a boy/girl? Sure.

10) Who did you last say I love you to? I think I last said "I mud you too." Does that count?

11)Who’s your best friend? Let's avoid this landmine of a question.

12) What did you last eat? A French Vanilla.

13)Are you gonna get high later? Nope.

14)Who was your last myspace comment from? Oh oh! I know this! It was like We Are the Take or something.

15)Who was the last person to text you? Lexy.

16)Who did you talk to for more than 2 hours last? Mete I guess.

17)When is your birthday? January 25

18)If MySpace made you pay would you still use it? Definitely not.

19)Who is your number one on MySpace? No idea... THE ROCKET SUMMER!

20)Have you ever gotten a sunburn so bad it hurt to move? lmao yes, warped 07.

21)Has anyone ever hung up on you? No actually.

22)Do you have unlimited texting? No but boy do I need it.

23)When is the last time you talked to number 1 on your top friends? N/A

24)Do you laugh at all the wrong times? Usually.

25)Did you speak to your father today? Yup.

26)Do you think you can last in a relationship for three months? Depends.

27)How did you wake up this morning? My phone began to ring from somewhere near my desk so I stumbled over and answered it.

28)What were you doing at 7 AM? Sleeping.

29)How have you felt today? Not great really.

30)Can you handle the truth? Hardly ever, but I prefer to know it.

31)Anything you'd like to say to anyone? Yeah but I know I never will.

32)Is there any emotion you're trying to avoid right now? Depression, but aren't we all trying to avoid that?

33)Are you a forgiving person? Sometimes.

34)Have you ever told anyone you were okay when you really weren't? Definitely.

35)Are you a jealous person? Sometimes.

36)Who are your last five texts from? Lex, Mete, Qris.

37)What was your childhood nickname? killargo I guess.

38) Is this year, the best year of your life? HA! Definitely not. It doesn't even make the top 17.

39)Where were you four hours ago? Watching Cloverfield with my Aunt.

40)Can a boy and girl be friends without having feelings for each other? Yeah.

41)What was the last thing that pissed you off? THEY DIDN'T HAVE SALLY HANSEN NAIL POLISH REMOVER AND I HAD TO BUY GENERIC! sheesh.

42) Have you ever been to Mexico? Never thank god.

43) Have you ever hooked up with someone you met on myspace? No.

44) Give a song lyric? They call kids like us vicious and carved out of stone for what we've become, we just feel more alone.

45) Last person you spoke to on the phone? Qris.


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