screw international security. i need to get in those records damnit. But noooooo, the UN is concerned with keeping peace and therefore keeps the resolution votes under 72 diffrent protections. Just because the results could start World War 3 is not reason to keep them from me! *sulk*
On a diffrent note. I found out last night, that any communication skills i might have once possesed are gone. totally and completly...and i find that half of yesterday i just wanted to gag myself. i should not be allowed to all. It just ends up sounding dumb
and then becca got me started on these horoscope things. grrr. i DO NOT believe in dont
Gemini May 21 - June 21
Communication will be difficult for you -- though you'll probably understand what others are telling you, they might misread your signals unless you go out of your way to be clear.
Yesterday Today