Apr 23, 2007 07:26
Crazy time differences. I go to bed at 10:30 and wake up at 6:00 am. Thats right gents im back in the great land of the US. Kristin got her flight fucked up so instead of going to new jersey i went with rachel to long island which was perfect because both of her parents are doctors. So the entire 8 hour flight from london i had strep throat and everytime i swallowed felt like i was swallowing a golf ball. So i resorted to crying for 8 hours and spitting into a plastic bottle. YUP worst 8 hours of my life. But Rachel's mom hooked my up with some prescription drugs so im A-OK just in time to spend the day reorganizing my luggage and taking a train to the city, then to newark then flying to NC then flying to TN. WOOT.
So im completely inlove with london and everything but it was time for me to come home. I was slowly deterioating. Another week and i would have shit out my liver. Rachel and I was bored yesterday and drank half a bottle of tequila on an empty stomach and i didnt feel anything. When i get home im getting a personal trainer... and detoxing. Detoxing as in back to US drinking not London drinking. So i guess its time for my summer goals since i am on summer break and all...
1. get in shape and not look disgusting
2. be black
3. save as much money as possible
4. do not date slutfucks
5. go to another country besides england
6. learn photoshop
7. start portfolio
8. pull off american apparel gold lame swimsuit
9. go back to london and stalk gilbert and george... maybe banksy.. but mostly gilbert and george
10.get no speedng tickets
6 will be much easier than 8.