Well once again ive been ignoring my journal...
Summer is half way over kinda well for camp atleast we have reached the 5th and 6th week.... " the low " in camp as they like to call it lol.. My kids r all like diseased and have mono and pnemonia and strep. Its cute lol.
We had our Soccer BBQ that was hilarious.
Last nite went to Jamie's house for a lil get together... Here are some pictures...
^ The girlies
^ girls and eric
^ Nice pair... my favorite shirt
^ retardness with ice cream
^ Me being a retard
^ me and my darling harry
^ love you girls
^ erics crotch... dont ask
and lets see... i dunno well il update another time i guess when i have something worth to say
...i just ain't the same without in my life...