Jun 24, 2010 22:01

I ordered a beautiful bracelet from an artist on maker's market on the 16th. The fucking PayPal "Echeck" cleared on the 21st and the Artist known as Rivka's Mom shipped the package 0n the 21st. Or she tried to. The USPS said that they never got the package.

Between paypal, maker's market, and the USPS, Rivka's Mom and I are getting treated like dirt. It should not take eight days to get a priority mail package from an online source with a perfectly good (Read loaded) debit card. I am hoping this individual can get on Etsy, Where they care a little more about the customer.

PayPal = TWATS


Maker's Market = Twats

Rivka's Mom = Solid Gold

I am about to show the USPS how to really "Go postal".

This is what I ordered. I paid the money and agro was all that I got for it. It's not the artist's fault. I am pissed off to say the least.
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