May 09, 2005 11:22
The last few days, weeks or however long it's been since i've posted have been boring, but i'm trying to be busy. Y0u cant get a job out here unless you know somebody, fuckers! FUCKERS I TELL U FUUUCKERS! Went to woodland park zoo yesterday, got in an argument with my mothers husband, stomped off....he's a bastard. Everybody who meets my mom says *your moms pretty, and cool, wtf is she doing with that slob?* yup....nobody knows!!! But i have an idea, i think it's due to her being in abusive relationships, she see's the one she's in now, which is verbally abusive, like a piece of cake because she was use to getting the shit beat out of her before that....yep, thats it...i figure anyways.
SOOOOO....i'm almost 22, feeeeels a little weird. When we were leaving seattle yesterday, on the ferry ride back, i was like *sigh* i miss the real world, i miss all of my friends, or the people i know,...running into people you were hoping that you wouldnt when you went to the hill, or going to silverstone and getting too drunk to walk up the stairs to go home, but drunk enough to dance. Alrite, i'm done typing now, have a good one peoeeeeeoples. - saundra