May 17, 2005 20:20
Been a long time..i dont even feel like saying much..
umm...Laaaasssst weeek....
Monday, Tuesday--Skool..bullshit. Same old shit.
Wednesday & Thursday--skool...then hung out with Hargest n Zak for a lil while. That was fun...Hargest is soo shy tho...i wish he'd talk more. Rather sexy too..haha...dunno wuts goin on there...SINCE HE DOESNT TALK...ugh. Leaving it at that! :)
Thursday--Hung out with Ryan & Zak again...then Lisa came over n we went to my brothers bball game...then to DeNiro's to eat...twas fun i guess. Normal Thursday for me.
Friday the 13th!--Movie night at Lisa's...hung around, played pool n all that fun stuff n watched the grudge...Lisa brought her new love interest Kevin, over...hes i guess? Quiet...but not bad.
Kevin asked Lisa to go with him to some after-prom parties so Lisa wanted me to come with her n Amy came along too...they were rather pointless...I never thought after-prom parties could be boring...the people were just sitting around staring at the walls...dullllllll! lol...But then...I somehow got stoned out of my mind...I wasnt tryign to or anything...It jus kinda happened and i didnt shut up. We walked onto this peir by the Cheasapeake Bay and i almost fell in. lol ...then there was this american flag off in the distance and it was jus hangin their and i was like "Why is there a snowman on a pole?!" and they all just cracked up at me..and then the wind started to pick up and then i was like "He's waving at me now! OMG!" haha...yea. Wooo...i was very stupid...laughed at a bunch of dumb shit...good times. lol
We finally got back to Lisa's around 5-530am...and watched tv for a lil bit and then i think i went to bed around 6-630am! I was up for over 24 hours and i only got 3 hours of sleep. I was soooo tired and out of it! lol.
Saturday--woke up around 930...completely out of it. haha...Ate breakfast with lisa n amy...then got home around 2ish. Had to sit up and do crap with parents...then drove to the party store to get decorations for my graduation party. Came home around 430 n did something else i forget...but then i finally took a nap from like 550 to 640 and then got up and took a shower n went back out with lisa n speck n amy n geotzske n billy. We drove around n went to billys house. Got home around 12. Went right to sleep.
Sunday--Had to get at like 10-1015 to go to my cousin Gina's 1st Holy Communion...i got to drive that wasnt too bad. Sat through an hour service...then drove out to some fancy golf course for the reception/party was boring...just a bunch of fancy tables in a fancy room and some fancy food that wasnt too good. lol But all the lil kids kept following me around...especially my cousin Gina, she was like attached to me by the hip...wouldnt let me go. lol
Oh home around 6...took me a nap for about an hour n a half...felt nice to actually sleep. lol Then i got online n talked to Hargest some...hes so effin quiet dude...i dont get it man...i think hes scared of girls. lol As sexy as he is, you wouldnt think he'd be all like forward or wutever...ha, oh well...ill have to change that. :)
So Monday n Today were just know, normal school shit.
Today we had 1st n 5th period exams but i didnt have to do them bcuz 1st period I'm an aide n 5th i have tech so we just got pizza n watched a movie. Woo hoo...
Thursday I'm goin to get my nails did for prom...i think Lisa might come with me, i dunno...we'll see.
Um...i think thats enough for now...ill update whenever i realize its been a while...
...Until later!!!