Feb 05, 2005 20:38
oh wow.
ive just had this huge huge huge huge huge huge HUGE! thought.
and it has changed me completely. wow.
If Jesus just came up to me at this very moment and said leave everything you own and love and follow me...would i go with him, or cling to these worldly possesions that will never ever amount to his Love?
would I turn MY back on MY savior that died for ME and MY sins?
would i truly believe that these worldly things could mean more to me than having eternal life in heaven right beside Matt and all my other beloved relatives and friends and most of all, Jesus?
could I, JANNA LAYNE LEWIS look Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior in the face and say..."no."
could i truly read the Bible, hear The Word, witness a miracle, and STILL turn down the one person who will ALWAYS love me?
the real question is...
how could you?
how could you resist His loving arms?
how could you resist His healing hands?
so as of now...my ultimate goal in life...is to become so spiritually comfortable and strong in Christ so that when He does come to Earth and tells me to drop everything and follow Him, that there will be absolutely NO hesitation to go and follow my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
I hope this journal entry has touched some people, even though it may seem just like a bunch of typed letters on a computer screen; it means so much more than that.