May 08, 2004 18:38
hey wat everyone??? well yesterday was prom and it was soo much fun!!! it was an awsome nite..n im glad i got to spend it wit kev..=). well school is almost out and i juss cant wait! im so excited for the summa..well my fukkin cat smells like shit and went and layed down in my bed lol haha sorry bout today em how i juss like hung up on u..but my mom was in a big rush lol..i luv how yesterday me and kev go to the nail place..not T&C but the otha one..and the lady goes it will be 20 me and kev are like ok..well 1 hr goes by and im still not gettin my nails i luv how they skipped ove me i ended up goin to t&c anyways lol out ttul xoxox ..ahahah the chinese lady had an american girl shirt on lol xoxo i love u kevin