I stole this from the lovely and amazingly talented
smc_27 Give me a word and a pairing/character and I will give you at least one line of fic (or more).
Also if the feeling sparks you can always pay if forward by posting this to your journal.
Puck/Rachel, Santana/Rachel friendship, Craig/Ashely, Jason/Lauren (Laguna/The Hills), Stephen/Lauren (Laguna/The
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She talks to her mother a lot about raising a baby, hoping to get some insight, but all she gets is a referral to a good nanny. And that makes Blair decide that she doesn't want to be the absentee mother, the type of mother who makes her husband escape to Europe to live with another man. She doesn't want to be the type of mother who picks and prods and is vocal about all the flaws her child possesses (and since it's half Chuck Bass, there is bound to be a few.)
She has ample time to obsess about this and cry to Serena about all the things she doesn't want to be, once she realises shopping in her Monolo Blahnik's is just not going to be feasible, considering she can't even see her feet to check if they're matching, and she's sick of the upper class society women she once aspired to be giving her looks that clearly state that when she's 8 months pregnant and borderline obese (in her opinion, anyway, Chuck just sees her as glowing and beautiful and everything he's wanted since he was about 15.) she should not be power shopping around the Upper East Side in high heeled shoes.
And a day later, Chuck arrives home from one of his many businesses to find Blair in an apron that still has folded creases, and no sign of their cook or their housekeeper, just Blair in the middle of their kitchen, poking at something on a tray.
She turns as he enters, his shoes clicking on the tiles, and she bursts into tears just as he's opened his mouth to ask what she's doing and why she doesn't just ask the staff he pays a lot of money for to bake her something, if she's that hungry and desperate.
"I don't want to be the mother that has someone to do everything they can do for their child. I want to be the mom who sends her child off to school with home baking and sandwiches and all the love we never had." He leans closer to look at the cookies on the tray. They've sort of joined together to form one big biscuit, and they are clearly not cooked in the center, but burned on the outside.
He soothes her as she stomps her foot and pouts a lot, and then storms out as best as she can given the fact that she's 8 months pregnant and waddling after he calls her Martha Stewart and Betty Crocker in quick succession. He's amused. She's adorable. He loves her.
So he books her a cooking lesson with an esteemed chef and enjoys eating the benefits she learns to produce.
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