Oct 18, 2005 16:58
...are surprisingly not that bad.
Here I expected some impassable, unbeatable phenomena and it's just some multiple-choice test, almost *gasp* easier than High school.
But so far I have A's in all of my classes, I know, I'm shocked too.
And my teacher's are adorable.
We were reviewing today in my History class and my teacher (he has to be about 50 years old) uses the different accents when talking about the French, Spanish, and English. He tries so hard.
Makes you realize that old people need love too.
So academically I'm doing fine, emotionally- a.o.k. still miss my melbourne friends :( but i come home often enough that i'm not horribly depressed all the time. And I think i'm in the best physical shape that i have been in my entire life. Those 10 min walks to class are awesome on the abs.
And all I have left to do is send in my transcript requests to FSU and I'm alllll set :)
Extra bonus = I don't have to write an essay for my applications. Ahh, the benefits of being a transfer student.
On the downside....I have developed an over-whelming love for the Gilmore Girls. I know I know...I'm ashamed too.
oh, and I think i'm making it home (yes again!) for the last home game for EG since i've been promising poor Katie since the beginning that I would go to one and have yet to follow through with it. This week I vow to go! I do! and if not maybe to the mel high game. But i will make it to one eventually!
p.s. Congrats to my EG band buddies for getting 2nd place!! Un-freakin-believable. But you guys are awesome, so it's not much of a surprise. I just wish I could've been there to see Angelica, but thank the Lord that she's getting better. :)