in my search to find a song, i came across some really shitty porn. i'd just like to say that not everyone can be a porn star. please. i've heard it all before, "sex is the only thing i'm good at" shit, doesn't mean you gotta put your ugly face AND ugly body on the internet. i mean, this site had a naked chick on the site with the smallest boobs i have ever seen. in fact, i don't think they even count as boobs, she was THAT flat chested. i mean, it was just nipples. that's it. nipples. not to mention she was wearing white granny panties, they were huge and tacky. along with her nipples and ugly underwear, she was wearing pigtails. the pigtails did not make her cute, not at all. the pigtails seems to actually enhance the fact that the chick was fugly. oh and her skin. my god her skin. it was WHITE. white as my screen, dude. and there were blotches of red along her ass. oh god it was horrible. and her vagina looked like it was torn apart.
that's another thing. ladies, if you have lots of sex, with lots of strange men, for several years straight (or maybe just in one year?), your vag will look like a floppy piece of lamb. meaning, it could quite possibly look like a gyro. that's fucking gross man. fucking GROSS.
anyway, she was a prime example of how ugly can just take away from the affect that we so casually call lust in the porn industry.
that, again, makes me think of suicide girls. i think the whole "new age pin up girl" thing is cool...even though they're not pin ups, they're just naked chicks. pin ups are, well, go to and you'll know what i'm talking about. those chicks are hot and they didn't even have to get naked.
but back to suicide girls. a lot, if not most, of those chicks on the site are disgustingly ugly. i remember when i was dating sean, he and i looked on that site just because (you have to know the history of that relationship to really understand why we looked at porn together...) and my god.
even he said those chicks were fucking gross looking. it's like they're meth heads who aren't naturally skinny like destiny. they're more like...vomitinducedsickness. pale ass skin. ugly faces. ugly tattoos. ugly piercings. just ugly.
i wanna email the ones on the site and be like, "look, you're ugly. let's face it, you figured you could become a porn star because you subconsciously knew you were ugly. it's just like how some fat chicks are easy. they're easy because they feel like they can't get any lower than they already are. so, you decided to take several ugly pictures of yourself naked and submit them to suicide well i'm here to tell you that you should try something else. if i ever had to have sex with you, i'd put a bag over your head. in fact, i probably wouldn't even want you to touch me because you made me wanna force vomiting upon myself coz i looked at your hideous face. thanks for your time".
i think the only cute chick on that site that i've seen thus far is the icon. she's cuuuutte.
but gah, if you're gonna say your site is newage pin up girls, at least get some cute ones on the site. and at least do the pin up girl thing the RIGHT way. being naked isn't necessarily being a pin up girl. check out the pin ups from the 50's.
those chicks were neither of the following:
1) disgustingly and unnaturally skinny.
2) gross.
3) ugly.
4) meth heads.
5) mistaken for men (yes, mistaken for men. there's a few chicks on the site that i swear look like
drag queens).
6) morbidly obsese (yep, a few of these chicks are overweight. and when i say overweight, i'm not talking ten pounds over, i'm talking at least 30lbs).
7) oddly resembling a raging cunt (that is, a lot of these chicks are trying too hard to be sexy. instead, they end up looking angry...)
as i look through this collection they have on the site, i've only counted literally two girls that i thought were cute (ahah, one happens to be named, get this, alexis!).
all i can think of is, quite literally, anyone can become a suicide girl. shouldn't it be the other way around? select FEW can be suicide girls, thus making it seem much more, i dunno, cooler?! i mean shit, i could be a suicide girl (you know, if i wasn't so self conscieous).
jesus christ. i looked at suicide girls on myspace, and then went to the beauty queen bullshit to see normal people attempting to be one of the SELECTED FEW. and all i have to say is, i need to hurry up and be emo so life is much more easier. haha, i'd probably have more friends if i got some star tattoos and i dunno a septum piercing (even though i really do want that). oh and a david bowie haircut. man. life would be easier if i looked like a clone.
just like anyone can be a porn star. well, that's the conclusion of my rant. i don't think everyone or anyone should have the right to be a porn star and etc. you should be pretty. AT LEAST be pretty. and if you're not then...i dunno, go get a job at mcdonalds.
haha. that was mean. i'm not mean but this post is.
i'd just like to add to my, "life's easy as an emo girl" that i've got it all down. the dorky glasses i've had since i was 15 years old (oh ha way before they were in style and people made fun of me for wearing them), and the converse (yet again, something i've had since i was 15 and got made fun of for wearing) and the collective amounts of screamo i listen to, well, i'm on my way to a greater life! i'm seriously wondering how long the emo fad will last. or the indie fad. i wanna know. a few more years and something's out?
i'm dizzy.