In his ongoing protest project against human rights violations (namely torture) at Guantanamo Bay, my friend Tristan Williamson had me water-board him yesterday (a form of simulated drowning). Here is the link to a slide show of the procedure:¤t=5adb7af7.pbw Last week, we put Tristan in a Department of Defense approved stress position and practiced sensory deprivation where he could not hear, see, or speak. This is another practice at Guantanamo that they subject prisoners to for up to 21 hours. Tristan is a veteran of Navy Special Forces having served time around the world and in combat in Iraq and only lasted 3.5 hours. He had planned on eight hours. Here is the link to a slide show of that demonstration:¤t=dbdf6711.pbw There are also videos of both events (the water-boarding was private, the other was public at Indiana University Southeast) that will be edited for time (the IUS protest will be time-lapsed) and posted on YouTube with comments from passers-by at the IUS event included. I will give you that address when he finishes. He is also writing a diary of sorts of the preparation, experience, and aftermath of both forms of torture and will give public access to these, as well. His point is, after Bush's decision to keep Guantanamo Bay open last month, to get these human rights violations back in public conversation. If you would like to contact Tristan with words of encouragement or discussion, shoot me a message and I will send you his email address.
I will also make a note with my thoughts and reactions to these protest events in the coming days. Thank you.