can't someone be numb and anger????

May 14, 2009 11:12

So last night I lost my co-host, because of too many things in my life are out of my complete control. Nerah just could deal with are sitution and she told mikey last that she was breaking up with them. She said she was going to hurt his brother if she didn't go, that she couldn't deal being rejected by Loki, that she want more of a real marriage ......... up and downs go with marriage or any relationship , the two people in the relationship both need to work with it not on oppsite worlds and views and everything else that is retard in this sitution.I'm not saying we are perfect ....OMG we far from ok..... but even with stress and money problems you would think pou loved one would just still show love... not that he doesn't love me I know he does but it is the fact he's so into himself so much he see nothing , he say he does but he really has no clue. And now Nerah is gone and I miss her she help me, we would talk and firgue and work everthing out togther to make thing right and good..... now there are many more ...............oh fuck it like a have to intervien in my head cause there are one that can't deall with gavin, then there the ones that are mad at mikey, then there's the ones that really can't deal with James, and then you have the ones that hate everything or my favorite all the broken ones in the attic that can't even function because all the bull shit with my mom and rst of family.... oh cause they are so fucking perefect.Well I guess Josh or Kai could be host .... I could see it now I would land with a girlfriend cause of them and have even more drama....been down that road before. I hope Nerah will only be taking a break and will come back but i don't think so, i hard coming back from a brokenheart, I;m still trying, but I stupid I;m still trying to hold on. i feel emtiy i want my firend. I want ugly lying smell stuipid retard tar-tar out of my life, or a least a stance away from me.... see he was ok the me (katlyn) but he would stop with Nerah so he desrve nothigh from me because with everything going on i need her so much................. plus on top of this my mom was my normal cunt ass mother.... why do i try....oh knoe why cause i wish she could n=be the woman i new 15 year before the accdent.... she was always kinda the "C" word but not that i could even go to ina time of need without it becoming aout her ..............................why the fuck do i bother

sorry if it does it make complete sence i mad and i right fucked up when i'm mad

Katlyn-ann thomas

blow me where shit comes from and have a

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