So my second meme of the evening! This one is totally different from the other though. I found this on a random journal and I liked the idea so much but I never really got the time to do it until now. Now before I start I just want to say that I don't want to offend anyone of my friends list. Just because you're not on here doesn't mean i'm not grateful to be your lj friend, it just so happens I only got a tiny space of 12 places.
The Meme Rules:
- Look on your lj list and find 12 friends.
- Write them all down along with their userpic and state what and why you like them etc..
- See what response you get!
See your userpic? Check under the cut and see what I put about you!
This girl was my first official lj friend. She's the main reason why I even got into the livejournal world and I need to thank her sososo much. We've known each other a long time now but I will never grow old of talking to her! She's my best online friend and I adore her so much! You are an amazing Jessie. You're one of the kindest, friendliest and talented people I know. I love you ♥
Ah my dearest Celine! This girl is so amazing! The most devoted Jonas fan out there. I remember first friending you because you liked the jobro's too and I never thought I would end up loving you as much I do now! You make me smile constantly and you're always willing to help me with anything, absolutely anything. If you don't end up with Joe then I do not want to live in this world anymore ♥
Oh noes. It's the Jazzzzybear. I only put her on here because she might kill me if I don't. I JOKE. I LOVE YOU SOSOSO MUCH CURLY-BEAR. I first friended you for your graphics because they are simply amazing and if I had the strength I would request everyday because they are just fantastic! I don't know how it happened but we got past the graphics and now look at us <3 You make me giggle at the little things and make me smile at everything. I'm so grateful to have you as a friend, and my favourite 11 spammmmer. You are such an amazing person and you deserve the best things in the world bb. ♥
Ah Fridde! How I love you! You are so wonderful my dear. Your replies to my many problems just make me so thankful I have you in my life. You're one of the kindest people I know, and I love that you are so open to new ideas, new fandoms, everything. You make me grateful for online friends and I hope we stay friends. ♥
I think you are the only Glee fan on my flist, but you're the best one! We don't speak on every journal entry and we don't comment every second but I like that because your comments mean a lot to me. You're so kind and such a friendly person that i'm grateful for our lj friendship and i'm really hoping we can meet in NY bb! ♥
I'm so thankful that we have become friends here. It's been such a short time but already I love you. You are so wonderful it's unbelievable. Your posts make me so happy and inspire me to be happy with myself. Your comments make me smile even when i'm feeling down. You are so amazing Liz! I hate that we can only know each other online because I know I would love to know you, you're such a good friend and I love you. ♥
This girl is incredibly funny! I remember first friending you because of Kidnapped <3 but then I realised you were originally from Leeds (yay)! It's comforting to have someone to talk normal yorkshire with! I know we hardly comment but when we do, I love it. ♥
I remember friending you because we had so many friends in common, and I am so glad now. You are such an amazing person and I love reading your entries! We only have a few fandoms in common but i'm thankful to be on your flist. ♥
I've already said this to you in an earlier entry but I simply love your entries. They're so interesting and every post you make I have to read just simply to see how you are. You're incredibly kind and I'm glad we're friends. ♥
We hardly comment, and that's my fault. I promise to be a better lj friend to you. I love how friendly you are. Everytime we have commented I can see just how simply nice you are. I love your devotion to your loves, e.g the bieber. ♥
We haven't really had chance to comment each other but that will change! You are such a nice person and I love how devoted you are to your loves. Music, fandom, friends, whatever it is you are so devoted, and I love that. ♥
You're one of the most kindest people on my flist and I love how helpful you are in every problem I have. Thank you so much. ♥