May 01, 2006 12:04
hey guys.. yupp imin skewl. lol. so me n chris... been goin out for 2 week WHAT WHAT!! lol. its great. crystal has new new bf, she's goin out with an 8th grader, mitch. holly crap she gone from joey h to ricky, to david l, to logan t, to david l again, and back to joey h and now mitch. i dunno it just kinda bugs me. ive gone from david l, to logan t, to chris. lol. i've had three boyfriends this year, she'had seven. but i dunno. i guess its none of my business anywayz. lol. ANYWHO!!
m n crystal made cookies for our project today, and then we got to eat them. it uz super good! lol. i stayed the night at her house last night. it was fun we went to mcdonalds TWICE and we took LOTS of pictures. lol. but hey ima go, class is almost over!! buh byes!